《英语 (第一册) (修订本)》求取 ⇩


Lesson 1 Text:How to Study English1

Phonetics:Phonemes,Syllables and Accents(Primary,Secondary)3

Lesson 2 Text:Try,Try Again8


Lesson 3 Text:Counting and Measuring in Old Times17

Grammar:Present,Past,Future Indefinite Tenses20

General Review 127

Lesson 4 Text:Scientists'Language33

Supplementary Reading:A Dialogue37

Grammar:Number of Nouns,Possessive Case38

Lesson 5 Text:Something about the Sun44

Grammar:Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives48

Lesson 6 Text:Motion of Sound53

Supplementary Reading:Velocity of Sound57

Grammar:Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs59

General Review 262

Lesson 7 Text:James Watt and the Tea-kettle68

Grammar:Present,Past,Future Continuous Tenses73

Lesson 8 Text:Glass80

Supplementary Reading:Our Faith in Victory84

Grammar:Present Perfect Tense86

Lesson 9 Text:A.S.Popov,the Inventor of Radio92

Grammar:The Voice96

General Review  3103

Reading Material:The Air107

Lesson 10 Text:Experiments in Physics109

Supplementary Reading:Energy112

Grammar:The Infinitive114

Lesson 11 Text:Michael Faraday120

Grammar:The Gerund125

Lesson 12 Text:Power—An Important Factor of Productive Force128

Supplementary Reading:Learn by Asking132

Grammar:The Participle134

Lesson 13 Text:Galileo and the Lamps139

Grammar:Fractional Numerals;The Article144

Lesson 14 Text:Electronic Computers147

Supplementary Reading:Electronics and Its Applications151

Grammar:Phrases,Clauses,and Sentences;Simple,Compound,and Complex Sentences153

General Review 4158

Reading Material:Atomic Energy162

Appendix Ⅰ Irregular Verbs164

Ⅱ Idioms and Phrases167

Ⅲ Vocabulary169

1962年08月第1版《英语 (第一册) (修订本)》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由凌渭民主编 1962年08月第1版 商务印书馆 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


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