《方剂学基础》求取 ⇩

General Introduction1

The Relationship Between Formulas and Treatment1

1.The Eight Therapeutic Methods in Designing Formulas1

2.The Sixty-Four Therapeutic Methods in Designing Formulas9

Designing of a Formula—Monarch, Minister, Adjuvant and Dispatcher35

Alteration of a Formula—Modification of a Formula36

1.Modification of Herbs37

2.Modification of Dose37

3.Modification of Preparation Forms37


Ⅰ.Preparations of Formulas39



3.Pill or Bolus39

4.Extract,Ointment and Plaster40


6.Medicated Wine41

7.Medicated Tea41


9.Lozenge and Medicated Cakes41

10.Medicated Roll(Paper Roll)42

11.Medicated Thread42






Ⅱ.Methods of Decocting Herbs43

1.Utensils for Decocting Herbs43

2.Methods of Decocting herbs43

3.Special Methods of Decocting Herbs43

Ⅲ.Methods for Administration45

1.Methods of Oral Administration45

2.Methods of External APPlication46

Chapter One47

Formulas for the Treatment of the Six Channel Syndromes of Exogenous Febrile Diseases47

1.Ephedra Decoction(麻黄汤,ma huang tang)50

2.Cassia Twig Decoction(桂枝汤,gui zhi tang)52

3.Ephedra,Apricot,Licorice and Gypsum Decoction(麻杏甘石汤,ma xing gan shi tang)55

4.White Tiger Decoction(白虎汤,bai hu tang)57

5.Major Purgative Decoction(大承气汤,da cheng qi tang)60

6.Minor Bupleurum Decoction(小柴胡汤,xiao chai hu tang)63

7.Middle-Regulating Decoction(理中汤,li zhong tang)65

8.Cold Limbs Decoction(四逆汤,si ni tang)68

9.Divine Black Bird Decoction(真武汤,zhen wu tang)70

10.Black Plum Pill(乌梅丸,wu mei wan)72

Additional Formulas75

Pueraria Decoction(葛根汤,ge gen tang)75

Pueraria,Scutellaria and Coptis Decoction(葛根黄芩黄连汤,ge gen huang qin huang lian tang)77

Ephedra,Aconite and Asarum Decoction(麻黄附子细辛汤,ma huang fu zi xi xing tang)78

Poria Powder with Five Herbs(五苓散,wu ling san)80

Umbellate Pore Decoction(猪苓汤,zhu ling tang)83

Tuckahoe,Cassia Twig,Largehead Atractylodes and Licorice Decoction(苓桂术甘汤,ling gui zhu gan tang)85

Minor Blue Dragon Decoction(小青龙汤,xiao qing long tang)87

Bamboo Leafand Gypsum Decoction(竹叶石膏汤,zhu ye shi gao tang)89

Major Bupleurum Decoction(大柴胡汤,da chai hu tang)91

Major Middle-Strengthening Decoction(大建中汤,da jian zhong tang)93

Evodia Fruit Decoction(吴茱萸汤,wu zhu yu tang)95

Pinellia Heart-Purging Decoction(半夏泻心汤,ban xia xie xin tang)97

Minor Middle-Strengthening Decoction(小建中汤,xiao jian zhong tang)99

Coptis and Ass-Hide Glue Decoction(黄连阿胶汤,huang lian e jiao tang)101

Chapter Two103

Formulas for the Treatment of the Syndromes of Weifen,Qifen,Yingfen and Xuefen in Epidemic Febrile Diseases103

1.Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder(银翘散,yin qiao san)106

2.Mulberry and Chrysanthemum Decoction(桑菊饮,sang ju yin)108

3.Yingfen-Clearing Decoction(清营汤,qing ying tang)110

4.Rhinoceros Horn and Rehmannia Decoction(犀角地黄汤,xi jiao di huang tang)111

5.Anti-Pyretic and Anti-toxic Decoction(清瘟败毒饮,qing wen bai du yin)113

6.Wrrnkled Gianthyssop Health-Restoring Powder(藿香正气散,huo xiang zheng qi san)116

7.Summer Heat-Clearing and Qi-Replenishing Decoction(清暑益气汤,qing shu yi qi tang)119

8.Body Fluid-Increasing Decoction(增液汤,zeng ye tang)121

9.Major Wind-Stopping Decoction(大定风珠,da ding feng zhu)123

10.Sweet Wormwood and Turtle Shell Decoction(青蒿鳖甲汤,qing hao bie jia tang)125

Additional Formulas127

Mulberry and Apricot Decoction(桑杏汤,sang xing tang)127

Elscholtzia Powder(香薷散,xiang ru san)128

Deep-Reaching Decoction(达原饮,da yuan yin)130

Coptis and Officinal Magnolia Decoction(连朴饮,lian pu yin)132

Three Kinds of Kernels Decoction(三仁汤,san ren tang)134

Sweet,Dew Detoxication Pill(甘露消毒丹,gan lu xiao du dan)137

Sweet Wormwood and Scutellaria Gallbladder-Clearing Decoction(蒿芩清胆汤,hao qin qing dan tang)140

Everyone's Detoxicating Decoction(普济消毒饮,pu ji xiao du yin)142

Large-Leaf Gentian and Turtle Shell Powder(秦艽鳖甲散,qin jiao bie jia san)143

Chapter Three147

Formulas for the Treatment of the Lung Diseases147

1.Two Vintage Herbs Decoction(二陈汤,er chen tang)150

2.White-Purging Powder(泻白散,xie bai san)153

3.Minor Chest-Congestion Decoction(小陷胸汤,xiao xian xiong tang)155

4.Thousand Gold Reed Stem Decoction(千金苇茎汤,qian jin wei jing tang)157

5.Pepperweed Seed and Chinese Date Lung-Purging Decoction(葶苈大枣泻肺汤,ting li da zao xie fei tang)159

6.Dryness-Removing and Lung-Rescuing Decoction(清燥救肺汤,qing zao jiu fei tang)160

7.Yin-Nourishing and Lung-Clearing Decoction(养阴清肺汤,yang yin qing fei tang)162

8.Lung-Invigorating Decoction(补肺汤,bu fei tang)165

9.Ginseng and Giant Gecko Powder(参蛤散,shen ge san)166

10.Glehnia and Ophiopogon Decoction(沙参麦冬汤,sha shen mai dong tang)168

Additional Formulas170

Ginseng and Perilla Decoction(参苏饮,shen su yin)170

Seven Herbs Decoction Including Fistular Onion(葱白七味饮,cong bai qi wei yin)172

Thorowax and Kudzuvine Decoction for Relieving Muscles(柴葛解肌汤,chai ge jie ji tang)174

Jade Screen Powder(玉屏风散,yu ping feng san)177

Perilla Seed Qi-Lowering Decoction(苏子降气汤,su zi jiang qi tang)178

Asthma-Stopping Decoction(定喘汤,ding chuan tang)180

Qi-Clearing and Phlegm-Resolving Pill(清气化痰丸,qing qi hua tan wan)182

Jade Extract(琼玉膏qiong yu gao)184

Tuckahoe,Licorice,Magnoliavine,Ginger,Asarum Herb,Pinellia and Apricot Seed Decoction(苓甘五味加姜辛半夏杏子汤,ling gan wu wei jia jiang xin ban xia xing zi tang)185

Tuckahoe,Apricot Seed and Licorice Decoction(茯苓杏仁甘草汤,fu ling xing ren gan cao tang)188

Tangerine Peel,Immature Bitter Orange and Ginger Decoction(橘枳姜汤,ju zhi jiang tang)189

Balloonflower Root Decoction(桔梗汤,ju geng tang)191

Chapter Four193

Formulas for the Treatment of the Heart Diseases193

1.Fire-Inducing Powder(导赤散,dao chi san)195

2.Cape Jasmine and Prepared Soybean Decoction(栀子豉汤,zhi zi chi tang)198

3.Roasted Licorice Decoction(炙甘草汤,zhi gan cao tang)200

4.Pill for Balancing the Heart and Kidney(交泰丸,jiao tai wan)202

5.Trichosanthes,Macrostem Onion and Liquor Decoction(瓜蒌薤白白酒汤,gua lou xie bai bai jiu tang)204

6.Lily and Anemarrhena Decoction(百合知母汤,bai he zhi mu tang)206

7.Chinese Angelica Cold Limbs Decoction(当归四逆汤,dang gui si ni tang)207

8.Wild Jujube Seed Decoction(酸枣仁汤,suan zao ren tang)209

9.Cinnabar Mind-Tranquilizing Pill(朱砂安神丸,zhu sha an shen wan)212

10.Heaven King Heart-Nourishing Pellet(天王补心丹,tian wang bu xin dan)213

Additional Formulas216

Licorice,Wheat and Chinese Date Decoction(甘麦大枣汤,gan mai da zao tang)216

Cassia Twig plus Dragon's Bone and Oyster Shell Decoction(桂枝加龙骨牡蛎汤,gui zhi jia long gu mu li tang)217

Pulse-Activating Powder(生脉散,sheng mai san)219

Confucian's Insomnia-Relieving Pill(孔圣枕中丹,kong sheng zhen zhong dan)220

Chapter Five222

Formulas for the Treatment of Diseases of the Spleen,Stomach,Large and Small Intestines222

1.Four Gentlemen Decoction(四君子汤,si jun zi tang)227

2.Middle-Reinforcing and Qi-Benefiting Decoction(补中益气汤,bu zhong yi qi tang)231

3.Ginseng,Tuckahoe and Largehead Atractylodes Powder(参苓白术散,shen ling bai zhu san)234

4.Angelica Blood-Tonifying Decoction(当归补血汤,dang gui bu xue tang)236

5.Back to the Spleen Decoction(归脾汤,gui pi tang)238

6.Stomach-Calming Powder(平胃散,ping wei san)241

7.Yellow-Purging Powder(泻黄散,xie huang san)244

8.Stomach-Clearing Powder(清胃散,qing wei san)245

9.Pinellia and Magnolia Decoction(半夏厚补汤,ban xia hou pu tang)247

10.Unripened Bitter Orange and Largehead Atractylodes Pill(枳术丸,zhi zhu wan)250

11.Harmony-Preserving Pill(保和丸,bao he wan)251

12.Spleen-Strengthening Pill(健脾丸,jian pi wan)253

13.Stomach-Nourishing Decoction(益胃汤,yi wei tang)255

14.Inula and Red Ochre Decoction(旋覆代赭汤,xuan fu dai zhe tang)257

15.Peony Decoction(芍药汤,shao yao tang)258

16.Fourstamen Stephania and Membranous Milkvetch Decoction(防己黄芪汤,fang ji huang qi tang)260

17.Baby-Nourishing Pill(肥儿丸,fei er wan)262

Additional Formulas264

Officinal Magnolia Decoction with Three Herbs(厚朴三物汤,hou pu san wu tang)264

Rhubarb and Common Monkshood Decoction(大黄附子汤,da huang fu zi tang)265

Jichuan Decoction(济川煎,ji chuan jian)267

Hemp Seed Pill(麻子仁丸,ma zi ren wan)269

Essential Key Formula for Diarrhea with Pain(痛泻要方,tong xie yao fang)271

Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction(橘皮竹茹汤,ju pi zhu ru tang)273

Persimmon Calyx Decoction(柿蒂汤,shi di tang)275

Yellow Earth Decoction(黄土汤,huang tu tang)277

Sophora FruitPill(槐角丸,huai jiao wan)279

Chinese Pulsatilla Decoction(白头翁汤,bai tou weng tang)281

Major Pinellia Decoction(大半夏汤,da ban xia tang)283

Fairy Decoction(玉女煎,yu nu jian)285

Heart-Purging Decoction(泻心汤,xie xin tang)286

Chapter Six289

Formulas for the Treatment of the Liver and Gallbladder Diseases289

1.Cold Limbs Powder(四逆散,si ni san)292

2.Four Herbs Decoction(四物汤,si wu tang)294

3.Merry Life Powder(逍遥散,xiao yao san)297

4.Gentian Liver-Purging Decoction(龙胆泻肝汤,long dan xie gan tang)299

5.Left Golden Pill(左金丸,zuo jin wan)302

6.Stagnation-Relieving Pill(越鞠丸,yue ju wan)303

7.Galangal and Cyperus Pill(良附丸,liang fu wan)305

8.Sichuan Chinaberry Powder(金铃子散,jin ling zi san)307

9.Laughing Powder(失笑散,shi xiao san)308

10.Four Powdered Drugs Decoction(四磨汤,si mo tang)310

11.Gastrodian and Uncaria Decoction(天麻钩藤饮,tian ma gou teng yin)312

12.Antelop's Horn and Uncaria Stem Decoction(羚角钩藤汤,ling jiao gou teng tang)314

13.Decoction Worth A Thousand Copper Coins(一贯煎,yi guan jian)316

14.Oriental Wormwood Decoction(茵陈蒿汤,yin chen hao tang)319

Additional Formulas321

Bupleurum Liver-Soothing Powder(柴胡疏肝散,chai hu shu gan san)321

Blue-Purging Pill(泻青丸,xie qing wan)323

Stagnation-Relieving and Harmony-Preserving Pill(越鞠保和丸,yue ju bao he wan)324

Pinellia,Largehead Atractylodes and Gastrodia Decoction(半夏白术天麻汤,ban xia bai zhu tian ma tang)327

Chapter Seven330

Formulas for the Treatment of the Kidney and Bladder Diseases330

1.Rehmannia Bolus with Six Herbs(六味地黄丸,liu wei di huang wan)333

2.Kidney-Qi Pill(肾气丸,shen qi wan)335

3.Back to the Left Pill(左归丸,zuo gui wan)338

4.Back to the Right Pill(右归丸,you gui wan)341

5.Major Yin-Replenishing Pill(大补阴丸,da bu yin wan)343

6.Five Kinds of Seeds Pill for Sterility(五子衍宗丸,wu zi yan zong wan)344

7.Eight Corrections Powder(八正散,ba zheng san)346

8.Field Thirtle Decoction(小蓟饮子,xiao ji yin zi)348

9.Four Miraculous Herbs Pill(四神丸,si shen wan)350

10.Mantis Egg-Case Powder(桑螵蛸散,sang piao xiao san)351

Additional Formulas354

Kidney-Nourishing and Obstruction Removing Pill(滋肾通关丸,zi shen tong guan wan)354

Black Moth Pill(青蛾丸,qing e wan)355

Land and Water Two Fairies Pellet(水陆二仙丹,shui lu er xian dan)356

Two Solstices Pill(二至丸,er zhi wan)358

Urination-Decreasing Pill(缩泉丸,suo quan wan)359

Bone-Strengthening Pill(虎潜丸,hu qian wan)360

Chapter Eight363

Formulas for the Treatment of the Women's Diseases363

1.Angelica and Peony Powder(当归芍药散,dang gui shao yao san)365

2.Cassia Twig and Tuckahoe Pill(桂枝茯苓丸,gui zhi fu ling wan)368

3.Ass-Hide Glue and Argyi Leaf Decoction(胶艾汤,jiao ai tang)369

4.Peach Kernel Purgative Decoction(桃核承气汤,tao he cheng qi tang)371

5.Health-Restoring Nutgrass Galingale Powder(正气天香散,zheng qi tian xiang san)373

6.Blood-Regenerating and Stasis-Removing Decoction(生化汤,sheng hua tang)375

7.Meridian-Warming Decoction(温经汤,wen jing tang)377

8.Yin-Protecting Drink(保阴煎,bao yin jian)379

9.Pill for Arresting Uterine Bleeding(固经丸,gu jing wan)381

10.Chong Channel-Consolidating Decoction(固冲汤,gu chong tang)382

11.Treating Morbid Leukorrhea Decoction(完带汤,wan dai tang)384

Chapter Nine387

Formulas for the Treatment of the Skin and External Diseases387

1.God's Life-Saving Drink(仙方活命饮xian fang huo ming yin)389

2.Five Herbs Antiphlogistic Drink(五味消毒饮,wu wei xiao du yin)391

3.Pus-Promoting Powder(透脓散,tong nong san)393

4.Rhubarb and Moutan Bark Decoction(大黄牡丹皮汤,da huang mu dan pi tang)394

5.Coix Seed,Aconite and Whiteflower Patrinia Powder(薏苡附子败酱散,yi yi fu zi bai jiang san)396

6.Yang-Harmonizing Decoction(阳和汤,yang he tang)398

7.Wind-Dispelling Powder(消风散,xiao feng san)400

Chapter Ten403

Formulas for the Treatment of Other Diseases403

1.Peaceful Palace Bovine Gall-Stone Bolus(安宫牛黄丸,an gong niu huang wan)403

2.Violet Snow Pellet(紫雪丹,zi xue dan)404

3.Real Treasure Pellet(至宝丹,zhi bao dan)406

4.Storax Pill(苏合香丸,su he xiang wan)408

5.Blood Clots-Discharging Decoction(下瘀血汤,xia yu xue tang)410

6.Peach Kernel and Safflower plus Four Herbs Decoction(桃红四物汤,tao hong si wu tang)412

7.Blood-House Blood Stasis-Dispelling Decoction(血府逐瘀汤,xue fu zhu yu tang)414

8.Yang-invigorating Recuperation Decoction(补阳还五汤,bu yang huan wu tang)417

Additional Formulas419

Resistant Decoction(抵当汤,di dang tang)419

Decoctod Turtle Shell Pill(鳖甲煎丸,bie jia jian wan)421

Rhubarb and Ground Beetle Pill(大黄?虫丸,da huang zhe chong wan)423

Common Yam Rhizome Pill(薯蓣丸,shu yu wan)426

Life-Prolonging Decoction(续命汤,xu ming tang)428

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方剂学基础知识(1980 PDF版)
1980 北京中医学院
方剂学(1985.6 PDF版)
1985.6 上海科学技术出版社
方剂学(1976 PDF版)
电离辐射剂量学基础(1975 PDF版)
中草药与药剂学基础(1976 PDF版)
方剂学(1980 PDF版)
方剂学(2020 PDF版)
2020 济南:山东科学技术出版社
方剂学(1979 PDF版)
1979 西安:陕西人民出版社
方剂学(1996 PDF版)
1996 北京:人民卫生出版社
方剂学(1993 PDF版)
1993 北京:中国医药科技出版社
方剂学(1991 PDF版)
1991 贵阳:贵州科技出版社
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1988 兰州:甘肃科学技术出版社
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1986 沈阳:辽宁科学技术出版社
方剂学(1980 PDF版)
1980 上海:上海科学技术出版社
方剂学(1989 PDF版)
1989 上海:上海科学技术出版社