《Foreign-Affairs-Review-2010》求取 ⇩

Continuity and Change in the International SystemQin Yaqing1

A Longitudinal Study of Foreign Relations of the People's Republic of ChinaNiu Jun21

On the “People First”Diplomacy in ChinaJin Canrong Liu Shiqiang46

Public Participation in China's Diplomacy and its Influence:Three Case Studues From 2003Wang Cungang63

The Olympic Games and the Internationalization of Beijing:Understanging the Interaction between China and the International SystemZhu Liqun Lin Minwang96

China's Economic Diplomacy:Challenges and OpportunitiesJiang Ruiping116

The Gaming of the Copenhagen Climate Summit and China's Redefinition of its IdentityZhuang Guiyang139

New Challenges and a New Agenda for China's Arms ControlSun Xiangli154

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