《玻璃质材料和无序固体 它们的统计力学导论 英文影印版》求取 ⇩


1.1Models of Disordered Matter:A Brief Overview1

1.2General Concepts on the Statistical Mechanics of Disordered Matter13

1.2.1 Lattice Models13

1.2.2 Averaging in Random Systems:Quenched versus Annealed Disorder17

1.2.3 "Symmetry Breaking"and"Ergodicity Breaking"20

1.2.4 Configurational Entropy versus"Complexity",and the Kauzmann Paradox25

2.Structure and Dynamics of Disordered Matter35

2.1Pair Distribution Functions and the Static Structure Factor35

2.2 Topological Disorder and Bond Orientational Correlations51

2.3 General Aspects of Dynamic Correlation Functions and Transport Properties63

3.Models of Disordered Structures79

3.1Random Walks:A Simple Model for the Configurations of Flexible Polymers79

3.2Percolation:A First Example of a Fractal Structure94

3.2.1 The Percolation Probability and Percolation Threshold94

3.2.2 Diluted Magnets and Critical Exponents98

3.2.3 The Fractal Dimensionality and the Concept of Finite Size Scaling104

3.2.4 Scaling of the Cluster Size Distribution106

3.2.5 Percolation for Low and High Lattice Dimensions109

3.2.6 Rigidity Percolation113

3.3Other Fractals(Diffusion-Limited Aggregation,Random Surfaces,etc.)116

3.3.1 General Concepts on Fractal Geometry116

3.3.2 Diffusion-Limited Aggregation120

3.3.3 Growth of Random Interfaces122

3.4 Random Close Packing124

3.5 Continuous Random Networks132

3.6 Chemically Realistic Models of Structural Glasses139

4.General Concepts and Physical Properties of Disordered Matter165

4.1The Rouse Model for Polymer Dynamics:A Simple Example for the Consequences of the Random Walk Picture165

4.2Application of the Percolation Problem to Physical Systems178

4.2.1 Percolation Conductivity and a Naive Treatment of the Elasticity of Polymer Networks178

4.2.2 Excitations of Diluted Magnets Near the Percolation Threshold183

4.2.3 Effective Medium Theory188

4.3Elementary Excitations of Fractal Structures190

4.3.1 Diffusion on a Percolation Cluster:The"Ant in the Labyrinth"190

4.3.2 The Spectral Dimension and Fracton Excitations193

4.3.3 The Sol-Gel Transition Revisited198

4.4Physical Properties of Amorphous Solids202

4.4.1 Two-Level Systems203

4.4.2 Anomalies of Glasses at Intermediate Temperatures:Excess Specific Heat,Thermal Conductivity Plateau,and Boson Peak210

4.5Spin Glasses221

4.5.1 Some Experimental Facts about Spin Glasses:Systems and Physical Properties222

4.5.2 Theoretical Models233

4.5.3 The Replica Method and the Mean Field Theory of the Ising Spin Glass237

4.5.4 Replica Symmetry Breaking245

4.5.5 Spin Glasses Beyond Mean Field Theory255

4.6Variants and Extensions of Spin Glasses263

4.6.1 p-Spin Interaction Spin Glasses and the Random Energy Model263

4.6.2 Potts Glasses264

4.6.3 Quadrupolar Glasses as Models for Diluted Molecular Crystals276

4.6.4 Atomistically Realistic Models of Diluted Molecular Crystals281

4.6.5 Spin Models with Quenched Random Fields285

5.Supercooled Liquids and the Glass Transition311

5.1Phenomenology of Glass-Forming Systems312

5.2Models for Slow Relaxation331

5.2.1 The Theory of Adam and Gibbs332

5.2.2 The Free Volume Theory338

5.2.3 Kinetically Constrained Models345

5.3The Mode-Coupling Theory of the Glass Transition359

5.3.1 The Zwanzig-Mori Projection Operator Formalism360

5.3.2 The Mode-Coupling Approximations364

5.3.3 The Mode-Coupling Theory of the Glass Transition366

5.3.4 Predictions of Mode-Coupling Theory375

5.3.5 The Relaxation Dynamics of Glass-Forming Liquids and Test of the Predictions of MCT385

5.3.6 Concluding Remarks on Mode-Coupling Theory412


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