《ESSENTIAL ENGLISH for Foreign Students BOOK TWO》求取 ⇩



The Sounds in English7

1 "This is..." "It is...".Questions and Answers1

2 "Where is...?"9

3 Plurals."There is..." "There are..."18

4 Who?What?He,she,they,it30

5 In the Classroom.Present Tense of"Be"37

6 The Farm44

7 Simple Present Tense.Possessive Adjectives51

8 The Hotel.Present Continuous Tense57

9 "Have"and"can"65

10 The Seaside.Adjectives and Adverbs.Infinitive70

11 Telling the Time79

12 In the Classroom."Was","were","could","had"90

13 Mr.Priestley96

14 The Two Present Tenses102

15 Word Study.Simple Present Tense negative108

16 Subjectand Object Pronouns.A story without words120

17 Mrs.Priestley and some others126

18 The Future."Some","any","no"133

19 Mr.Priestley's Students140

20 Comparison of Adjectives(1)A story without words149

21 Likes and Dislikes.Past Tense.A story without words159

22 Comparison of Adjectives(2)Past Tense of Irregular Verbs170

23 The Cat that Caused a Wedding178

24 Past Tense—interrogative and negative180

25 The Students Talk about Clothes186

26 Irregular Verbs.Word study192

27 The Students Talk about Food199

28 Irregular Verbs."Ought"and"must"208

29 The Students Talk about Writers.Present Perfect Tense(1)214

30 Present Perfect Tense(2).Question phrases(1)220

31 Conversation.Present Perfect Tense(3)227

32 Present Perfect Tense(4)Question phrases(2)232

Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs in Book 1236

List of Grammatical Terms in Book 1238

Pronouncing Vocabulary of Book 1239


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