《英美名著欣赏与英语视听教程 第1级》求取 ⇩


Teaching Program教学大纲3

Unit 1Gone with the wind飘5

1.1 The authors life and others 作者生平及其他5

1.2 Historical background of ‘Gone with the wind’ 历史背景9

1.3 Introduction to the plot 情节介绍10

1.4 Vocabulary 英语词汇18

1.5 Intensive listening test 精听测试20

1.6 Quiz23

Unit 2Jane Eyre简爱29

2.1 The author's life and others 作者生平及其他29

2.2 Historical background of ‘Jane Eyre’ 历史背景35

2.3 literary appreciation of ‘Jane Eyre’ 文学赏析35

2.4 Introduction to the plot 情节介绍36

2.5 Vocabulary 英语词汇42

2.6 Intensive listening test 精听测试44

2.7 Quiz47

Unit 3The Scarlet letter红字54

3.1 The author’s life and others 作者生平及其他54

3.2 Literary background of 'The scarlet letter’ 文学背景60

3.3 Introduction to the plot 情节介绍61

3.4 Vocabulary 英语词汇67

3.5 Intensive listening test 精听测试69

3.6 Quiz73

Unit 4Wuthering heights呼啸山庄81

4.1 The author’s life and others 作者生平及其他81

4.2 Historical background of ‘Wuthering heights’ 历史背景85

4.3 Literary background of ‘Wuthering heights’ 文学背景85

4.4 Introduction to the plot 情节介绍86

4.5 Vocabulary 英语词汇94

4.6 Intensive Listening test 精听测试96

4.7 Quiz99

Unit 5Progress test in listening comprehension 1105

Unit 6 The old man and the sea老人与海107

6.1The author’s life and others 作者生平及其他107

6.2 Literary appreciation of ‘The old man and the sea' 文学赏析113

6.3 Introduction to the plot 情节介绍114

6.4 Vocabulary 英语词汇120

6.5 Intensive listening test 精听测试123

6.6 Quiz125

Unit 7 Romeo and Juliet罗密欧与朱丽叶132

7.1Shakespeare's life 莎士比亚的生平132

7.2 Literary appreciation of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ 文学赏析132

7.3 Introduction to the plot 情节介绍134

7.4 Vocabulary 英语词汇135

7.5 Intensive listening test 精听测试137

Unit 8 Pride and prejudice傲慢与偏见140

8.1The author's life and others 作者生平及其他140

8.2 Literary appreciation of ‘Pride and prejudice’ 文学赏析146

8.3 Introduction to the plot 情节介绍147

8.4 Vocabulary 英语词汇155

8.5 Intensive listening test 精听测试157

8.6 Quiz159

Unit 9 Progress test in listening comprehension 2.165

Unit10Tess of the D'urbervilles苔丝172

10.1 The author's life and others 作者生平及其他172

10.2 Historical background of ‘Tess of the D'urbervilles’ 历史背景178

10.3 Literary appreciation of ‘Tess of the D'urbervilles’ 文学赏析178

10.4 Introduction to the plot 情节介绍180

10.5 Intensive listening test 精听测试186

10.6 Quiz189

Unit 11The adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆·索亚历险记195

11.1 The author's life and others 作者生平及其他195

11.2 Historical background of ‘The adventures of Tom Sawyer’ 历史背景201

11.3 Literary appreciation of ‘The adventures of Tom Sawyer’ 文学赏析201

11.4 Introduction to the plot 情节介绍203

11.5 Intensive listening test 精听测试209

11.6 Quiz212

Unit 12Progress test in listening comprehension 3218

Unit 13The joy luck club喜福会225

13.1 The author's life and others 作者生平及其他225

13.2 Appreciation of well-known film‘ The joy luck club’ 名片《喜福会》赏析229

13.3 Introduction to the plot 情节介绍230

13.4 Vocabulary 英语词汇236

13.5 Intensive listening test 精听测试238

13.6 Quiz240

Unit 14Sense and sensibility理智与情感247

14.1 Literary Characteristics of ‘Sense and sensibility’ 文学特点247

14.2 Introduction to the plot 情节介绍248

14.3 Vocabulary 英语词汇249

14.4 Intensive listening test 精听测试251

Unit 15Appreciationof classical film of the world-‘Madame Curie’ 世界经典电影欣赏一《居里夫人》255

15.1 Introduction to the plot 情节介绍255

15.2 Vocabulary 英语词汇256

Unit 16Appreciation of Western opera——‘Carmen’ 西洋歌剧欣赏——《卡门》258

16.1 Introduction to the plot 情节介绍258

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