《初等无机化学 汉英对照读物》求取 ⇩


Chapter 1Basic Concepts of Chemistry4

1-1 Physical and Chemical Changes4

1-2 Molecules and Atoms6

1-3 Atomic Weight12

1-4 Elements and Their Symbols13

1-5 Molecular Formula and Molecular Weight15

Chapter 2Air Oxygen19

2-1 Air19

2-2 Nitrogen Rare Gases21

2-3 Oxygen23

2-4 Elements and Compounds30

2-5 Law of Conservation of Matter and Law of Definite Proportions31

2-6 Calculations Based on Molecular Formulas35

2-7 Chemical Equations36

Chapter 3Water Hydrogen42

3-1 Water42

3-2 Hydrogen44

3-3 Valence51

3-4 Calculations Based on Chemical Equations56

Chapter 4Carbon62

4-1 Carbon62

4-2 Oxides of Carbon and Carbonic Acid66

4-3 Calcium Carbonate and Sodium Carbonate71

4-4 Mole Molar Mass Molar Volume74

4-5 Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions83

Chapter 5Some Elementary Concepts of Atomic and Molecular Structure87

5-1 Composition of Atoms88

5-2 Atomic Numbers and Isotopes89

5-3 How Do Electrons Move Outside the Nuclcus91

5-4 Structure of the Electron Shells of the Atom93

5-5 Formation of Ionic Molecules99

5-6 Formation of Covalent Molecules101

5-7 Chemical Bonds104

5-8 Nature of Valence105

Chapter 6Solutions109

6-1 Suspension Emulsion Solution109

6-2 Dissolving of Substances and Dissolving Equilibrium111

6-3 Solubility117

6-4 Dlssolution of Gases and Liquids127

6-5 Concentration of the Solution130

6-6 Electrolyte Solution141

Chapter 7Table Salt,Sodium and Chlorine145

7-1 Table Salt145

7-2 Electrolysls of Table Salt146

7-3 Sodium149

7-4 sodium Hydroxide152

7-5 Chlorine156

7-6 Hydrogen Chloride and Hydrochloric Aoid161

7-7 Oxidation-reduction165

Chapter 8 A General Discussion of Inorganic Compounds170

8-1 Metals and Non-metals171

8-2 Composition and Nomenclature of Acids,Bases and Salts178

8-3 Properties of Acids und Bases181

8-4 Properties of Salts187

8-5 Oxides191

Chapter 9Periodic Law of Elements195

9-1 Periodic Law of Elements195

9-2 Periodic Table of Elements202

9-3 Changes in Properties of Elements in the Periodic Table204

9-4 Significance of the Periodic Law211

1986《初等无机化学 汉英对照读物》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由胡树声译 1986 北京:知识出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


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