《第十四届国际选矿会议文集 第8卷》求取 ⇩

第八卷 矿物工艺学1


一、根据矿石结构预测矿物解离 The prediction of mineral liberation from mineralogical texture,R.P.King1

二、确定矿物解离特性的经验模型 An empirical model to establish the liberation properties of minerals,Terje Malvik11

三、QEM扫描电镜在形态分析、矿物连生和矿物解离度测定中的图象分析 QEM*sem image analysis in the determination of modal assays,mineral associations and mineral liberation,P.R.Miller,等22

四、为测量矿物学数据而设计的X射线图象分析仪 Designing an x-ray image analyser for measuring mineralogical data,M.P.Jones38

五、应用图象分析测定赞比亚Roan Antelope矿床中黄铁矿和黄铜矿的浮选特性 The application of image analysis to determine the flotation characteristics of copper and iron sulphides from the Roan Antelope deposit in Zambia,P.M.Rixom,N.Kostic49

六、定量矿物学应用于研究特兰士瓦铬铁矿铬铁生产的过程 Quantitative mineralogy applied to a study of the process involved in the pro-duction of ferrochromium from Transvaal chromite ore,E.J.Oosthuyzen,E.A.Viljoen57

七、反光和发光显微镜以及俄歇显微探针在选矿问题研究上的应用 The application of reelected and luminescence microscopy and the auger micro-probe to beneficiation problems,Richard D.Hagni68

八、卡林型金矿床的工艺矿物学 Process mineralogy of carlin-type gold deposits,D.M.Hausen75

九、富集含银矿石时定量矿物学的作用 The contribution of quantitative mineralogy in the beneficiation of ores contai-ning silver,P.H.Bajon等89

十、采用光学显微镜技术控制氧化锌矿石的水冶过程 Hydrometallurgical processing of oxidized zinc ores with optical microsco? control,C.Ek97

十一、土耳其特拉凯亚矿区锰矿石的选别 Concentration of manganese ores of the Trakya region ?key,Güdüz Atesok105

十二、在铀矿石碳酸盐浸出最佳化中矿物学的应用 Mine ralogical applications in optimizing the carbonate leaching of uranium ores,J.Douglas Scott111

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