Invited papers1

Differential geometry as a tool for applied mathematiciansF.B.Estabrook1

Some Heuristic Comments on Solitons,Integrability Conditions and Lie GroupsJ.Corones23

On Backlund transformations and solu-tions to the 2+1 and 3+1-dimensional sine-Gordon equationP.L.Christiansen43

Backlund transformationsR.K.Dodd and H.C.Morris63

Generalised Backlund transformations for integrable evolution equations associated with Nth order scattering problemsR.K.Dodd and H.C.Morris95

Meromorphic forms solutions of completely integrable pfaffian systems with regular singularitiesR.Gerard99

Far fields,nonlinear evolution equations,the Backlund transformation and inverse scatteringA.Jeffrey118

Convergence of formal power series solu-tions of a system of nonlinear differential equations at an irregular singular pointY.Sibuya135

Contributed papers143

Non-linear wave equations as Hamiltonian systemsL.J.F.Broer143

How many jumps?Variational characteriza-tion of the limit solution of a singular perturbation problemO.Diekman and D.Hilhorst159

The continuous Newton-method for mero-morphic functionsH.Th.Jongen, P.Jonker and F.Twilt181

A precise definition of separation of variablesT.H.Koornwinder240

Generation of limit cycles from separatrix polygons in the phase planeJ.W.Reyn264

Normal solvability for linear partial dif-ferential operators in C∞ (Ω)B.Sagraloff290

Connection problems for linear ordinary differential equations in the complex domainR.Schafke and D.Schmidt306

Periodic solutions of continuous self-gravitating systemsF.Verhulst318

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