《The C programming language = C程序设计语言 (第二版)》求取 ⇩


Chapter 1.A Tutorial Introduction5

1.1Getting Started5

1.2 Variables and Arithmetic Expressions8

1.3 The For Statement13

1.4 Symbolic Constants14

1.5 Character Input and Output15

1.6 Arrays22

1.7 Functions24

1.8 Arguments-Call by Value27

1.9 Character Arrays28

1.10 External Variables and Scope31

Chapter 2.Types,Operators,and Expressions35

2.1Variable Names35

2.2 Data Types and Sizes36

2.3 Constants37

2.4 Declarations40

2.5 Arithmetic Operators41

2.6 Relational and Logical Operators41

2.7 Type Conversions42

2.8 Increment and Decrement Operators46

2.9 Bitwise Operators48

2.10 Assignment Operators and Expressions50

2.11 Conditional Expressions51

2.12 Precedence and Order of Evaluation52

Chapter 3.Control Flow55

3.1Statements and Blocks55

3.2 If-Else55

3.3 Else-If57

3.4 Switch58

3.5 Loops-While and For60

3.6 Loops-Do-while63

3.7 Break and Continue64

3.8 Goto and Labels65

Chapter 4.Functions and Program Structure67

4.1Basics of Functions67

4.2 Functions Returning Non-integers71

4.3 External Variables73

4.4 Scope Rules80

4.5 Header Files81

4.6 Static Variables83

4.7 Register Variables83

4.8 Block Structure84

4.9 Initialization85

4.10 Recursion86

4.11 The C Preprocessor88

Chapter 5.Pointers and Arrays93

5.1Pointers and Addresses93

5.2 Pointers and Function Arguments95

5.3 Pointers and Arrays97

5.4 Address Arithmetic100

5.5 Character Pointers and Functions104

5.6 Pointer Arrays; Pointers to Pointers107

5.7 Multi-dimensional Arrays110

5.8 Initialization of Pointer Arrays113

5.9 Pointers vs.Multi-dimensional Arrays113

5.10 Command-line Arguments114

5.11 Pointers to Functions118

5.12 Complicated Declarations122

Chapter 6.Structures127

6.1Basics of Structures127

6.2 Structures and Functions129

6.3 Arrays of Structures132

6.4 Pointers to Structures136

6.5 Self-referential Structures139

6.6 Table Lookup143

6.7 Typedef146

6.8 Unions147

6.9 Bit-fields149

Chapter 7.Input and Output151

7.1Standard Input and Output151

7.2 Formatted Output-Printf153

7.3 Variable-length Argument Lists155

7.4 Formatted Input-Scanf157

7.5 File Access160

7.6 Error Handling-Stderr and Exit163

7.7 Line Input and Output164

7.8 Miscellaneous Functions166

Chapter 8.The UNIX System Interface169

8.1File Descriptors169

8.2 Low Level I/O-Read and Write170

8.3 Open,Creat,Close,Unlink172

8.4 Random Access-Lseek174

8.5 Example-An Implementation of Fopen and Getc175

8.6 Example-Listing Directories179

8.7 Example-A Storage Allocator185

Appendix A.Reference Manual191


A2 Lexical Conventions191

A3 Syntax Notation194

A4 Meaning of Identifiers195

A5 Objects and Lvalues197

A6 Conversions197

A7 Expressions200

A8 Declarations210

A9 Statements222

A10 External Declarations225

A11 Scope and Linkage227

A12 Preprocessing228

A13 Grammar234

Appendix B.Standard Library241

B1Input and Output:〈stdio.h〉241

B2 Character Class Tests:〈ctype.h〉248

B3 String Functions:〈string.h〉249

B4 Mathematical Functions:〈math.h〉250

B5 Utility Functions:〈stdlib.h〉251

B6 Diagnostics: 〈assert.h〉253

B7 Variable Argument Lists:〈stdarg.h〉254

B8 Non-local Jumps:〈setjmp.h〉254

B9 Signals:〈signal.h〉255

B10 Date and Time Functions:〈time.h〉255

B11 Implementation-defined Limits:〈limits.h〉 and 〈float.h〉257

Appendix C.Summary of Changes259


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