Chapter 1Introduction1

Basic Conceptions of Hypnosis1

Hypnosis and the Legal System4

Chapter 2Hypnosis as an Investigative or Discovery Procedure9

The Extent of Hypnotic Investigation by Law-Enforcement Agencies10

The Effectiveness of Investigative Hypnosis11

The Uses of Hypnotic Investigations13

The Types of Memory Impairment against which Hypnosis Has Been Utilized16

The Principles of Memory and Forgetting17

The Exact-Copy versus the Constructive Theory of Memory29

Hypnotic Hypermnesia31

Professional versus Police-Officer Hypnotists35

Techniques of Investigative Hypnosis39

Forensic Dangers of Hypnotic Investigation43

Procedural Safeguards in the Use of Investigative Hypnosis48

Chapter 3The Admissibility of Hypnotically Influenced Testimony59

The Relevant Rules of Evidence59

Testimony under Hypnosis Offered as Substantive Proof63

Testimony under Hypnosis Offered as the Basis of Expert Opinion68

Pretrial Hypnosis to Refresh the Memory of Witnesses72

Pretrial Hypnosis: Abuses, Safeguards, and the Discretion of the Court90

Chapter 4Hypnotic Confessions, Statements, and Admissions99


Derivative Evidence110

Polygraph and Truth Serum versus Hypnosis112

Chapter 5The Role of the Expert Witness117

Chapter 6Hypnosis and Crime125

The Potential of Hypnosis for Criminal Purposes125

Psychological Evidence127

Cases of Hypnotically Effectuated Crimes130

The Effect of Hypnosis on Criminal Liability137

Chapter 7The Regulation of Hypnosis147

Typical Hypnosis Statutes149

Medical Practice Acts and Psychology Statutes150


Civil Misuse of Hypnosis154

Chapter 8Summary and Conclusions157

Major Forensic Uses of Hypnosis157

Minor Forensic Uses of Hypnosis158

Forensic Misuses of Hypnosis159

Dangers of Pretrial Hypnosis160

The Current Status of Hypnotically Influenced Testimony162

Current Issues in Forensic Hypnosis163

Legal Glossary171

Psychological Glossary189

Table of Cases and Case Index199

References and Bibliography205

Name Index223

Subject Index229

About the Author239

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