《Science and law:an essential alliance》求取 ⇩

1 Law and Science: A Dialogue on Understanding, Howard T.Markey1

2 Science, Technology, and the Limits of Judicial Competence, Sheila Jasanoff and Dorothy Nelkin15

3 Regulation of Technological Activities:A New Approach, Simon Ramo35

4 Risk and Benefit in Environmental Law,Paoli F.Ricci and Lawrence S.Molton57

5 Uses and Abuses of Forensic Science,John I.Thornton79

6 Technology, Enterprise, and American Economic Growth, Jordan D.Lewis91

7 Patent Law for Programmed Computers and Programmed Life Forms,James A.Sprowl and James J.Myrick123

8 The Limitations of Technology Assessment,Harold P.Green133

9 Education in Science, Law, and Engineering,J.D.Nyhart and Thomas F.Jones145

List of Contributors157


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