
Chapter Ⅰ. Public and Private Rights in the Coastal Zone8

A. Ownership of Land and Resources in the Coastal Zone8

B. The Boundary Between Public and Private Lands11

C. Ambulatory Boundaries13

D. The Significance of Public Ownership18

1. The Public Trust Doctrine18

2. The Geographic Scope of the Public Trust Doctrine20

3. Divestment of Public Trust Lands23

E. Rights of Riparian or Littoral Owners29

1. The Scope of Riparian or Littoral Rights29

2. Limits on Riparian Rights—The Navigation Servitude34

Chapter Ⅱ. Preserving Shore Rights and Resources39

A. Public Access to Beaches and Shores39

1. Public Easements by Prescription40

2. Implied Dedication42

3. Customary Use44

A. Public Access to Beaches and Shores-Continued45

4. The Public Trust Doctrine45

5. Statutes and Regulations47

6. The Nature of a Public Easement49

B. Regulation of Coastal Development51

1. Limiting Infrastructure Funding51

2. Coastal Construction Regulation54

C. Protecting Coastal Wetlands60

D. Coastal Resources Management and the Takings Issue67

1. Public Beach Access73

2. Coastal Construction Regulation75

3. Wetlands Regulation80

Chapter Ⅲ. Cooperative Management of Ocean and Coastal Resources83

A. Ocean Jurisdictional Zones and Boundaries83

1. International Jurisdictional Zones84

a. The Territorial Sea84

b. The Contiguous Zone85

c. The Continental Shelf86

d. Fishery Zones and Exclusive Economic Zones86

e. The High Seas87

f. The International Seabed Area87

2. Domestic Jurisdiction-The Tidelands Controversy and the Submerged Lands Act87

B. Management of Fishery Resources95

1. Historical Background of State Fisheries Management95

2. Federal Fisheries Management99

3. Federalism and Fisheries Management After Enactment of the MFCMA106

a. Interpretation of "Registered"107

b. Federal Preemption109

c. Other Constitutional Challenges112

d. Enforcement Issues115

C. Coastal Zone Management116

1. Framework of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972116

2. Development and Approval of State Programs119

3. Operation of the CZMA124

a. Programmatic Approaches124

b. Coastal Zone Boundaries125

c. The CZMA and the Commerce Clause127

4. Intergovernmental Cooperation and the CZMA-The Federal Consistency Requirement128

a. Effects Triggering Consistency Review134

b. Maximum Extent Practicable136

c. Positive Consistency138

d. Appealing Consistency Determinations140

D. Management of Special Areas144

1. The National Estuarine Research Reserve System144

2. National Marine Sanctuaries145

Chapter Ⅳ. Offshore Resource Management149

A. Oil and Gas Development on the Outer Continental Shelf149

1. The OCSLA Leasing and Development Program151

a. The Five-Year Lease Program151

b. The Lease Sale155

c. Exploration and Development Plans167

2. OCS Revenue Sharing169

B. Marine Minerals Mining171

1. OCS Hard Mineral Mining171

2. Deep Seabed Hard Mineral Resources174

C. Marine Salvage and Historic Preservation175

1. Background175

2. The Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987184

D. Management of Protected and Endangered Marine Species189

1. Whales189

a. Background189

b. The 1946 International Whaling Convention190

c. United States' Enforcement of the International Whaling Convention195

d. Other United States Action to Protect Whales202

D. Management of Protected and Endangered Marine Species-Continued203

2. Marine Mammal Protection203

a. The Marine Mammal Protection Act203

b. Marine Mammal-Fisheries Interactions212

(1) The Tuna-Dolphin Controversy212

(2) Incidental Taking in Other Commercial Fisheries216

(3) High Seas Driftnet Fisheries220

c. Marine Mammal Protection and GATT221

3. The Endangered Species Act232

Chapter Ⅴ. Pollution and the Marine Environment242

A. Oil Pollution and Oil Spills243

1. The International Regime243

2. Domestic Oil Pollution Regulation250

a. Prohibitions and Enforcement Under the Clean Water Act Section 311251

b. Liability for Clean Up Costs and Damages259

(1) Traditional Maritime Tort and Common Law Remedies259

(2) The Oil Pollution Act of 1990262

(3) Which Law?274

(4) Pollution Prevention and Spill Response281

B. Ocean Dumping283

C. Persistent Marine Debris-Plastics291

D. The Law of the Sea Convention and Marine Pollution294

Chapter Ⅵ. Domestic Ocean Policy and the Law of the Sea297

A. The Current Context of the Law of the Sea297

B. The Territorial Sea303

1. Baselines306

2. Rights and Duties of Coastal Nations-Navigation310

C. The Continental Shelf318

D. Fishery and Exclusive Economic Zones322

E. The High Seas326

F. The International Seabed Area330

1. The International Seabed Regime of the Los Convention331

2. The United States Objections332

3. The Seabed Provisions and the Future of the Los Convention334

G. Maritime Boundary Delimitation335

1. Background335

2. United States Maritime Boundaries341

a. Cuba-United States Boundary342

b. Mexico-United States Boundaries342

c. Soviet Union (Russia)-United States Boundary343

d. U.S. Possessions and Territories344

G. Maritime Boundary Delimitation-Continued344

e. United States-Canada Boundary in the Gulf of Maine344

H. Marine Scientific Research350

Chapter Ⅶ. UNCED and the Marine Environment358

A. Background358

B. The Action Plan for the Oceans360

1. Marine Environmental Protection361

2. High Seas Marine Living Resources361

3. Climate Change363


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