CHAPTER Ⅰ.Geometric introduction1

1The invariants of transformations of Cartesian coordinates1

2 The group of motions13

3 The group of motions and reflections;the principal group16

4 Affine transformations of the plane21

5 Projective transformations of a straight line39

6 Projective transformations of the plane51

7 The reduction of affine invariants to projective invariants and of metric invariants to affine and projective invariants68

8 Multi-dimensional space85

CHAPTER Ⅱ.The foundations of tensor algebra99

9Tensors and operations on tensors99

10 The geometric meaning of tensors;the projective point of view115

11 The geometric meaning of tensors;the affine point of view126

12 Relative tensors and their operations133

CHAPTER Ⅲ.Invariants and concomitants of tensors and their simplest properties139

13Invariants and concomitants of tensors139

14 Examples of invariants and concomitants143

15 The simplest properties of invariants159

CHAPTER Ⅳ.The fundamental theorem of the theory of invariants and its consequences170

16Tensors with constant components170

17 Proof of the fundamental theorem182

18 The symbolic method in invariant theory189

19 Fundamental identities209

20 Invariant processes223

21 Complete systems of invariants235

CHAPTER Ⅴ.Binary forms246

22Linear and quadratic binary forms246

23 Cubic binary forms261

24 Gordan's method for finding complete systems of concomitants of binary forms.Gordan-Clebsch series272

25 Binary forms of fourth order285

26 Differential equations for invariants and semi-invariants of binary285


CHAPTER Ⅵ.Ternary forms.Second order tensors308

27The quadratic ternary form308

28 Geometric interpretations of the simplest concomitants of ternary forms of order r317

29 The quadratic n-ary form326

30 Mixed second order tensors(affinors)338

CHAPTER Ⅶ.Polyvectors353

31Certain general properties of polyvectors353

32 Geometric interpretation of polyvectors.Weitzenbock's complex symbolic notation363

33 Condition for divisibility of a polyvector by one or several vectors374

34 The bi-vector381

35 The tri-vector390

Answers and hints to exereises396



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