Chapter 1 Design and Analysis of Algorithms1

1.1 From Problems to Programs1

1.2 Abstract Data Types10

1.3 Data Types, Data Structures, and Abstract Data Types13

1.4 The Running Time of a Program16

1.5 Calculating the Running Time of a Program21

1.6 Good Programming Practice27

1.7 Super Pascal29

Chapter 2 Basic Data Types37

2.1 The Data Type “List37

2.2 Implementation of Lists40

2.3 Stacks53

2.4 Queues56

2.5 Mappings61

2.6 Stacks and Recursive Procedures64

Chapter 3 Trees75

3.1 Basic Terminology75

3.2 The ADT TREE82

3.3 Implementations of Trees84

3.4 Binary Trees93

Chapter 4 Basic Operations on Sets107

4.1 Introduction to Sets107

4.2 An ADT with Union, Intersection, and Difference109

4.3 A Bit-Vector Implementation of Sets112

4.4 A Linked-List Implementation of Sets115

4.5 The Dictionary117

4.6 Simple Dictionary Implementations119

4.7 The Hash Table Data Structure122

4.8 Estimating the Efficiency of Hash Functions129

4.9 Implementation of the Mapping ADT135

4.10 Priority Queues135

4.11 Implementations of Priority Queues138

4.12 Some Complex Set Structures145

Chapter 5 Advanced Set Representation Methods155

5.1 Binary Search Trees155

5.2 Time Analysis of Binary Search Tree Operations160

5.3 Tries163

5.4 Balanced Tree Implementations of Sets169

5.5 Sets with the MERGE and FIND Operations180

5.6 An ADT with MERGE and SPLIT189

Chapter 6 Directed Graphs198

6.1 Basic Definitions198

6.2 Representations for Directed Graphs199

6.3 The Single-Source Shortest Paths Problem203

6.4 The All-Pairs Shortest Path Problem208

6.5 Traversals of Directed Graphs215

6.6 Directed Acyclic Graphs219

6.7 Strong Components222

Chapter 7 Undirected Graphs230

7.1 Definitions230

7.2 Minimum-Cost Spanning Trees233

7.3 Traversals239

7.4 Articulation Points and Biconnected Components244

7.5 Graph Matching246

Chapter 8 Sorting253

8.1 The Internal Sorting Model253

8.2 Some Simple Sorting Schemes254

8.3 Quicksort260

8.4 Heapsort271

8.5 Bin Sorting274

8.6 A Lower Bound for Sorting by Comparisons282

8.7 Order Statistics286

Chapter 9 Algorithm Analysis Techniques293

9.1 Efficiency of Algorithms293

9.2 Analysis of Recursive Programs294

9.3 Solving Recurrence Equations296

9.4 A General Solution for a Large Class of Recurrences298

Chapter 10 Algorithm Design Techniques306

10.1 Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms306

10.2 Dynamic Programming311

10.3 Greedy Algorithms321

10.4 Backtracking324

10.5 Local Search Algorithms336

Chapter 11 Data Structures and Algorithms for External Storage347

11.1 A Model of External Computation347

11.2 External Sorting349

11.3 Storing Information in Files361

11.4 External Search Trees368

Chapter 12 Memory Management378

12.1 The Issues in Memory Management378

12.2 Managing Equal-Sized Blocks382

12.3 Garbage Collection Algorithms for Equal-Sized Blocks384

12.4 Storage Allocation for Objects with Mixed Sizes392

12.5 Buddy Systems400

12.6 Storage Compaction404



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