《proceeding of the scientific meeting of the zoological society of London》求取 ⇩

Head of supposed hybrid Antelope between Bubalis lunata and B. caama2

Sternum of Hapale jacchus, viewed from the inner (dorsal) aspect Fig. 1. Normal, 2. Abnormal169

The right side of the pectoral girdle of Bradypus, Dicynodon, and Echidna173

Upper surface of the cranium of a very young specimen of Mesoplodon grayi, Haast221

Transverse sections of the rostrum of Mesoplodon layardi, Gray228

Head of Nanotragus livingstonianus238

Lower molar of Orycteropus gaudryi239

Head of Cercopithecus brazzoe255

Vertebral column of Rana esculenta269

So-called atlas of Rana and of Siredon 270,273

Pelobates fuscus, coccygeal portion of developing vertebral column275

Hind limbs of Salamandra maculosa, adult277

Cercopithecus boutourlinii442

Head of Cervus thoroldi445

Spermiducal glands of various Oligochoeta479

Front horns of Holmwood's Rhinoceros515

Skull of fossil Lemuroid. Upper view533

Skull of fossil Lemuroid. Side view534

Skull of fossil Lemuroid. Lower view535

Head-bones of Lepidotus latifrons ; Oxford Clay, Peterborough561

The Coracoid Apparatus589

The blade-bone of Cycloturus didactylus591

Cercopithecus lalandii (mother and young)615

Map of Southern Nyasaland617

Engraulicypris pinguis627

Head of Glypholycus bicolor629

Chromis tanganicoe631

Ennea (Ptychotrema) bassamensis642

Ennea (Edentula) longula643

Transverse section of the Seal's eye PRoc. ZOOL. Soc.-1893. 721The Seal's iris722

Skull and horns of Cobus crawshayi727

Capra caucasica730

Fig. 1a. Petromyzon fiuviatilis, 25.5 centim. total length, showing vestigial first gill on left side. Fig. 1 b. The same, dissected from beneath.Fig. 2a. P.fiuviatilis, 23.5 centim., showing absence externally of first gill on right side. Fig. 2 b. The same, dissected from beneath731

Fig. 3. Myxine glutihosa, dissection from beneath of a specimen possessed of a supernumerary gill on the left side731

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