Ⅰ.Development of International Law3

The Peace of Westphalia,1648-19483

Ways and Means of Making the Evidence of Customary International Law More Readily Available23

International Law and Peace125

Sources of Universal International Law139

Ⅱ.Development of International Law by the United Nations159

The United Nations and the Role of Law159

The Development of International Law Through the United Nations183

Family Planning As a Human Right:Some Jurisprudential Reflections on Natural Rights And Positive Law225

Some International Law Aspects of the Freedom of Information and the Right to Communicate237

The Right of Self-Determination in International Law257

Immunities and Privileges of Delegations to the United Nations277

Ⅲ.International Law and Individual Responsibility The Criminality of Aggressive War313

The Punishment of War Criminals:The Nuremberg Trial329

International Terrorism and International Criminal Jurisdiction361

Ⅳ.Problems of Interpretation367

States as Organs of International Law and the Problem of Autointerpretation367

Problems of International Adjudication and Compliance with International Law:Some Simple Solutions399

Treaty Interpretation:The Proper Role of an International Tribunal411

Ⅴ.Problems of Voting429

Voting in the Security Council:Abstention from Voting and Absence from Meetings429

The Double Veto and the Four-Power Statement on Voting in the Security Council473

The Question of Laos and the Double Veto in the Security Council497

Voting in the Security Council:Abstention in the Post-1965 Amendment Phase and its Impact on Article of the Charter511

Voting in the Security Council and the PLO531

Ⅵ.Some Problems of Organization in the United Nations553

Was the Soviet Union Expelled from the League of Nations?553

United States Objectives in 1919 and 1940:The Charter of the United Nations and the Lodge Reservations563

Election of States to United Nations Membership585


Progress Towards Universality of Membership in the United Nations607

The United Nations and the United States643

On the Degradation of the Constitutional Environment of the United Nations661

Ⅶ.Settlement of Disputes by the International Court of Justice677

Some Observations on the International Court of Justice677

Participation of Individuals in Advisory Proceedings Before the International Court of Justice:Question of Equality Between the Parties705

Bulgaria Invokes the Connally Amendment727

Expenses of the United Nations for Peace-Keeping Operations:The Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice753

The Jurisprudence of the World Court:Thirty-Eighth Year(1959)783

Limitations Upon the Judicial Function813

The Time Element in the Contentious Proceedings in the International Court of Justice831

The International Court of Justice and the United Nations845

The International Court of Justice:Consideration of Requirements for Enhancing its Role in the International Legal Order931

What Future for the International Court of Justice? A Comment1005

Review of the Role of the International Court of Justice1007

The Dispute Between Greece and Turkey Concerning the Continental Shelf in the Aegean1019

On the Justiciability of International Disputes1047

The Case Concerning United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran:Phase of Provisional Measures1061

Ⅷ.Settlement of Disputes by the Political Organs of the United Nations:Some Aspects of the Arab-Israel Dispute1079

Passage Through the Suez Canal of Israel-Bound Cargo and Israel Ships1079

The Geneva Conference on the Law of the Sea and the Right of Innocent Passage Through the Gulf of Aqaba1117

Passage Through the Strait of Tiran and in the Gulf of Aqaba1149

Ⅸ.Domestic Jurisdiction and Peace-Keeping Operations1173

Domestic Jurisdiction,Enforcement Measures and the Congo1173


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