Chapter 1 : Customary Law, General Principles and Subsidiary Sources1

The Paquete Habana Case (1900)1

The Case of the S.S.’Lotus’ ( 1927)23

North Sea Continental Shelf Cases (1969)51

Asylum Case (1950)125

Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries Case ( 195 1 )147

Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (merits) (1986)168

Chapter 2: Jus Cogens, Obligations Erga Omnes, Actio Popularis,International Crimes and Self-Detennination277

South West Africa Cases (Preliminary Objections) (1962)277

South West Africa Cases (Second Phase) ( 1966)325

Namibia Case (197 1)374

Western Sahara Case ( 1975)402

Bosnia Case (Provisional Measures) ( 1993)454

Case Concerning EastTimor (1995)498

Chapter 3: Treaties573

Interpretation of Peace Treaties with Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania (Second Phase) (1950)573

Reservations to the Genocide Convention (195 1)580

NuclearTests Case (1974)599

NuclearTests Case (1995)613

Belilos Case (1988)659

Case Concerning the Gabcikovo—Nagymaros Project (1997)678

Chapter 4: Personality and Statehood731

Customs Regime between Germany and Austria (193 1)731

Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations (1949)751

Bosnia Case (Preliminary Objections) ( 1996)761

Chapter 5: State Responsibility837

Case Concerning the Factory at Chorzow (Indemnity) (merits) (1928)837

The Corfu Channel Case857

Case Concerning the Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company (Second Phase) (1962)893

Case Concerning United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (1980)913

Chapter 6: Jurisdiction947

Israel vEichmann ( 196 1 )947

United States vAlvarez-Machain (1992)1000

Chapter 7: Settlement of Disputes1017

Case of Certain Norwegian Loans (1957)1017

Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and and against Nicaragua (jurisdiction o f the Court and admissibility o f the application) ( 1984)1055

Chapter 8: International Organisations1103

Certain Expenses of the United Nations (1962)1103

Lockerbie Case (Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures) (1992)1149

Lockerbie Case (Preliminary Objections) ( 1998)1205

Chapter 9: Use of Force1245

Caroline Case (1842)1245

Naulilaa Case (1928)1266

Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict (1996)1286

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