《Industry-Wide Collective Bargaining Promise or Menace?》求取 ⇩

1 Congress Should Outlaw Industry-wide Bargaining&REPRESENTATIVE FRED A.HARTLEY,JR1

2 Congress Should Not Outlaw Industry-wide Bargaining&SENATOR ELBERT D.THOMAS4

3 UNITED STATES BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Collective Bargaining with Associations and Groups of Employers6

4 Industry-wide Bargaining&LEO WOLMAN13

5 Reflections on the "Labor Monopoly"Issue&RICHARD A.LESTER23

6 Industry-wide Collective Bargaining&JOHN V.VAN SICKLE41

7 Economic Aspects of Industry-wide Collective Bargaining—An Institutional Approach&EDWIN E.WITTE50

8 National Association of Manufacturers&WALTER B.WEISENBURGER56

9 Illinois Manufacturers'Association&CHARLES S.CRAIGMILE60

10 Southern States Industrial Council&TYRE TAYLOR63

11 American Federation of Labor&WILLIAM GREEN67

12 Congress of Industrial Organizations&PHILIP MURRAY71

13 United Automobile Workers,CIO&WALTER REUTHER75

14 United Mine Workers&JOHN L.LEWIS78

15 Collective Bargaining in the Bituminous Coal Industry—An Appraisal&GEORGE W.TAYLOR and WALDO E.FISHER84

16 Wages under National and Regional Collective Bargaining—Experience in Seven Industries&RICHARD A.LESTER and EDWARD A.ROBIE86

17 National Federation of American Shipping&ALMON E.ROTH91

18 General Motors Corporation&CHARLES E.WILSON94

19 American Locomotive Company&C.DICKERMAN WILLIAMS98

20 Carter Carburetor Corporation&HUGH H.C.WEED104

21 TWENTIETH CENTURY FUND Labor and Management Look at Collective Bargaining—A Canvass of Leaders'Views106

Suggestions for Additional Reading112

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