The Rate of Wetting of Textiles by Detergent SystemsK. Durham and M. Camp3

Somme New Observations on the Action of NaCMC in Washing Baths K. J. Nieuwenhuis and K. H. Tan12

Solubility of Binary and Ternary Systems of Synthetic Detergents C. Kortland and P. L. Kooij in25

The Evaluation of Detergents with Special Reference to Laundering R. E. W agg35

Some Observations on the Relationship becween Dirt Removal andFibre and Fabric Substrate R. E. Wagg43

Particle Size and Detergency T. H. Shuttleworth and T. G. Jones52

The Influence of Interfacial Electrical Conditions on the Deposition of Soil Particles on to Cotton from Detergent Solutions K. Durham60

Derives Ainmoniums Quaternaires a Caracteres Polypeptidiques J. Belle, P. Ragon, Mlle. T. Jullig et Mme D. Boiao70

Dosage des Condensats d’Oxyde d’Ethylene(Polyglycoliques) par Precipitation au Moyen d’Acide Phosphotungstique H. Etienne76

Les Agents Tensio-Actifs dans la Fabrication du Sulfate Ammonique J. de Launoit83

Les Detergents Non Ioniques daps le Lavage de la Laine et la Recuperation de la Lanoline G. Lievens. et R. Bovy97

Some Interfacial Effects of Calcium Ions in Detergency A. S. Porter103

Aqueous Dispersions of Carbon Black H. G. Wagner113

Der EinfluB von Desinfektionsmitteln auf die Verarbeitung von Kasereimilch G. Wildbrett119

A New Semimicro Coatinuous Method of Wetting Test; ‘Tensio-meter Method’ and its Applications W. Kinuuro and W. Yano128

A New Qualitative Test Method for Non-ionic Surface Active Agents‘Cloud Number Test’ Yutaka Tanaka132

Analysis of Surfactants by Ion-exchange Method. A New Rapid Semi-micro Method for Determination of Anionies in the Presenceof Non-ionics Seiichi Takahama and Tetsuyuki Nishida141



The Role of Surface Active Agents in Processes for Dispersing Solids in Liquid MediaJ. L. Moilliet162

The Preparation and Properties of Colloidal Solutions of the Alkaline Earth Carbonates P. A. Winsor168

The Determination of Particle Size Distributions in Suspensions from Measurements of Sedimentation Potentials G. A. H. Elton and J. B. Peace177

The Use of Tannin. Extracts to Modify the Physical Properties of Clay Suspensions P. E. Watkins and T. White183

Surface Activity in Fine Dry Grinding C. E. Berry and H. J. Kamack196

Die Waschwasserklarung bei der Steinkohlenaufbereitung mit Hilfe van Sedimentationsbeschleunigern F. Drexler und B. Franke203

Physicochemical Studies of Pesticides, Ⅰ: Aggregation Phenomenain DDT Suspensions G. T. Barnes and A. E. Alexander211

Physicochemical Studies of Pesticides, Ⅱ: Effect of Salts and Clays on the Stability of DDT Suspensions D. K. O’Neill and A. E. Alexander218

Physicochemical Properties of some Flotation Reagents and their Salts with Ions of Heavy Non-ferrous Metals I. A. Kakovsky225



The Action of Lytic Agents on the Surface Structures of the BacterialCell M. R. J. Salton245

The Indentification of Surface Components on the Bacterial Cell Wall A. M. James254

Surface Chemical Studies on the Protoplast Membrane of Micrococcus lysodeikticus A. R. Gilby and A. V. Few262

Haemolysis by Tensioactive Suostatices R. Ruyssen271

The Electrophoretic Characteristics of the Human Normal and Sickle Erythrocyte G. V. F. Seaman and B. A. Pethica277

Structure in Relation to Surface and Biological Properties of Cyclic Decapeptide Antibiotics A.V.Few288

On the Interaction of Orange Ⅱ with Monolayers of a Keratin Derivative B. S. Harrap295

Film Formation from Phosphatide Sols L. Saunders302

Interaction of Molecular Layers of Fatty Acids with Urea Treated Serum Albumin H. Sobotka, R. Santamaria and M Demeny307

Energy Relationships in Physical Toxicity D. J. Crisp and D. H. A. Marr310

The Sorptive Nature of the Olfactory Stimulus R. W. Moncrieff321

Molecular Shape, Size and Adsorption in Olfaction J. T. Davis and F. H. Taylor329

Surface Techniques in the Study of Complex Mixtures of Organic Compounds A. R. Gilby and F. E. Alexander341


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