
1.An Imperial Banquet.A Philosophical Discussion.The Mysterious Stranger.Britons Never shall beSlaves13

2.Nimrod : a Mighty Hunter before the Lord31

3.The Financiers49

4.The Placard67

5.The Clock-case72

6.It is not My Crime79

7.The Exterminating Machines97

8.The Cap on the Stairs 1o9

9.Who is to Pay?116

10.The Long Hill119

11.Hands and Brains126

12.The Letting of the Room132

13.Penal Servitude and Death135

14.Three Children.The Wages of Intelligence143

15.The Undeserving Persons and the Upper and Nether Millstones148

16.True Freedom167

17.The Rev.John Starr176

18.The Lodger189

19.The Filling of the Tank194

20.The Forty Thieves.The Battle: Brigands versus Bandits207

21.The Reign of Terror.The Great Money Trick216

22.The Phrenologist231

23.The ‘Open-air'242


25.The Oblong268

26.The Slaughter302

27.The March of the Imperialists309

28.The Week before Christmas313

29.The Pandorama322

30.The Brigands hold a Council of War330

31.The Deserter336

32.The Veteran338

33.The Soldier's Children340

34.The Beginning of the End347

35.Facing the “Problem”359

36.The O.B.S.365

37.A Brilliant Epigram371

38.The Brigands' Cave381

39.The Brigands at Work386

40.Vive la System!394

41.The Easter Offering.The Beano Meeting404


43.The Good Old Summer-time421

44.The Beano468

45.The Great Oration498

46.The ‘Sixty-five’543

47.The Ghouls551

48.The Wise Men of the East567

49.The Undesired592


51.The Widow's Son603

52.“It's a Far, Far Better Thing that I do, than I have Ever Done”610

53.Barrington Finds a Situation615

54.The End620


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