1. National Government The Executive Branch: The executive office, the executive department, and independent agencies. The Legislative Branch: The Senate, House of Representatives, and major committees. The Judicial Branch: The Supreme Court and other agencies of the federal court system.1

2. Local Government The executive, legislative, and judicial bodies of the District of Columbia and surrounding counties and towns with populations over 5,000: and regional authorities.33

3. International Affairs Diplomatic mission. International, regional, and bilateral institutions, major American foreign policy research and action organizations.77

4. National Affairs Significant Washington-headquartered public and special interest organizations focused on issues of broad national concern.111

5. The Media Major press, news agency and radio and television teams in the metropolitan area.149

6. Business Local and regional business associations: companies with annual revenues over $10 million, major employers and other firms with high local visibility.179

7. National Associations Trade associations and professional societies with budgets over $1 million with national offices located in Washington.285

8. Labor Unions The AFL-CIO, other federation, and principal affiliated and independent unions based in Washington.333

9. The Bar The leading law firms in the District of Columbia: bar associations, and legal service associations in the metropolitan area.345

10. Medicine and Health Hospitals, other major health care facilities, and health related organizations and professional societies of the area.387

11. Foundations and Philanthropy Washington-based foundations and charitable trusts.417

12. Science and Policy Research Government-funded and private, non-profit research facilities of the metropolitan area working in the physical and social sciences.439

13. Education Universities, colleges, and leading private secondary schools in all parts of the Washington area.459

14. Religion Major congregations of various religious faiths in the metropolitan area, as well as leading religious organizations and seminars.479

15. Cultural Institutions Museums, art galleries, theater groups as well as organizations supporting the region’s music, dance, and visual fine arts activities.495

16. Clubs Social, recreational, and professional clubs of the capital area.529

17. Community Affairs Organizations involved in local issues and policy formation: agencies raising funds and delivering needed human services to the communities of the region.537

Combined Index of Organizations and Individuals A consolidated, alphabetical list of all organizations and local individuals in the book showing the multiple affiliations of those who make up Washington’s leadership community.571

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