1 RADICALS AND EMPIRE BUILDERS The Diplomacy of Revolution and Independence1

British Mercantilism and the Economic Development of the Thirteen Colonies5

The Appearance of an American Attitude Toward External Affairs, 1750-177513

The Revolutionary Leaders and Foreign Policy21

The Historical Meaning of the American Doctrine of Isolation27


1. Letters of Samuel Adams, 1769-179o33

2. John Adams to James Warren, 177634

3. Common Sense by Thomas Paine, 177635

4. French Reasons for an Alliance with the American Colonies, 177836

5. Treaty of Alliance between France and the United States37

6. Treaty of Amity and Commerce between France and the United States38

7. Treaty of Peace between the United States and Great Britain, 178339

8. Jefferson reports on American Commerce, 179341

9. Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality, 179341

10. Washington's Farewell Address, 179642

11. President Adams instructs the American Commission to France, 179943

12. Jefferson's First Inaugural Address, 18O144


Congress and the Western Lands, by Samuel Flagg Bemis49

The Origin of the Two-Thirds Rule in Senate Action Upon Treaties53

Reasons for the Early Growth of American Export Trade56

Jay's Treaty60

The Damnation of Mr. Jay65

Jeffersonian Foreign Policy68

The Significance of the Louisiana Purchase71

Jefferson and the Embargo82


1. The Articles of Confederation pertaining to Foreign Affairs86

2. Correspondence between John Jay and George Washington, 178687

3. Debates in the Federal Convention, 178788

4. The Federalist Papers pertaining to Foreign Affairs90

5. Provisions of the Constitution pertaining to Foreign Affairs93

6. Jay's Treaty96

7. Thomas Jefferson on the Importance ofNew Orleans, 180297

8. Senate Debate on the Purchase of Louisiana, 180398

9. French and British Restrictions on Neutral Commerce, 1806-1807100

10. The Embargo Act, 1807101

11. The Non-Intercourse Act, 1809, and Macon's Bill No. 2, 1810101

3.WAR HAWKS AND FOREIGN REVOLUTIONS The War of 1812 and the Monroe Doctrine103

The Expansionists of 1812107

Agrarian Discontent in the Mississippi Valley Preceding the War of 1812112

The Origins of the War of 1812: A Survey of Changing Interpretations119

The Acquisition of Florida128

Cross Currents131

United States Commerce with Latin Americaat the Promulgation of the Monroe Doctrine136

The Monroe Doctrine142

The Reception of the Monroe Doctrine148


1. President Madison's War Message,1812150

2. Federalist Opposition to the War of 1812152

3. Report and Resolutions of the Hartford Convention153

4. The Treaty of Ghent, 1814155

5. Executive Agreement with Great Britain concerningNaval Armaments on the Great Lakes, 1817156

6. Henry Clay on the Revolutions in Latin America, 1818157

7. John Quincy Adams on the British Proposal for Joint Action in Latin America, 1823159

8. President Monroe's Message to Congress, 1823160

9. John Quincy Adams on the Role of the United States in the Western Hemisphere, 1819162

4.MANIFEST DESTINY Expansion for the Farmer164

The Destined Use of the Soil167

Texas and the Far West169

The Oregon Question174

On the Eve of Revolution in Texas180

A Politician of Expansion: Robert J. Walker184

The Failure of Polk's Mexican War Intrigue of 1845188


1. A Trip from Missouri to Oregon, I834195

2. An Expansionist discusses Maine and Oregon, 1844197

3. The British Ambassador reports on American Expansionist Sentiment, 1846199

4. John C. Calhoun on British Policy in Texas, 1843200

5. British Overtures to Texas, 1844200

6. President Polk reiterates the Monroe Doctrine, 1845201

7. The Democratic Party Platform of 1844202

8. Opposition to the Annexation of Texas, 1843203

9. Henry Clay's "Raleigh Letter" of 1844203

10. President Polk's Inaugural Address of 1845205

5.CLIPPER SHIPS AND OPEN SEAS Commerce Holds Its Own206

American Commerce Comes of Age209

The Reciprocky of 1830211

American Trade in Opium to China, 1821-39217

American Interest in China224

Cotton and Wheat in Anglo-American Trade and Politics, 1846-52231


1. President Tyler's Views on Hawaii and the China Trade, 1842239

2. Dr. Peter Parker proposes a Protectorateover Formosa, 1856-59241

3. Secretary of State Daniel Webster's Instructions to Caleb Cushing, 1843242

4. Instructions to Commodore Perry, 1852243

5. President John Quincy Adams and the Congress of Panama, 1826244

6. The Senate and the Congress of Panama, 1826247

7. Secretary of State Clay discusses an Inter-Oceanic Canal, 1826249

8. Secretary of State Buchanan discusses an Inter-Oceanic Canal, 1845249

9. Treaty of 1848 between the United States and New Granada250

10. The American Interpretation of the Clavton-Bulwer Treaty251

6 YOUNG AMERICANS AND ANXIOUS PLANTERS The Sectional Conflict at the Water's Edge253

The Movement for the Acquisition of All Mexico256

American Interest in Cuba263

Walker and Vanderbilt in Nicaragua267

Young America275

The Foreign Policy of President Pierce288

Seward's Plan to Avoid the Civil War295

Why Europe Did Not Intervene298

Expansion After the Civil War305


1. President Polk's Request for Money to obtain Territory from Mexico, and the Wilmot Proviso,1846311

2. Nicholas P. Trist explains why he disregarded his Instructions, 1847312

3. The Ostend Manifesto, 1854314

4. Relations between the United States and Hawaii, 1850-1870315

5. Townsend Harris negotiates a Commercial Treaty with Japan, I857-I858317

6. Secretary of State Webster on Republican Ideology319

7. The Expansionism of Senator Stephen A.Douglas, 1853-58321

8. Secretary of State Seward requests French Withdrawal from Mexico, 1866323

9. President Grant requests the Annexation of Santo Domingo, 1870325

10 Senator Zachariah Chandler calls for the Annexation of Part of Canada, 1870326

7 FROM AGRARIANISM TO INDUSTRIALISM The Diplomacy of Transition328

A New Manifest Destiny332

Ten Years Before Mahan: The Unofficial Case for the New Navy, 188o-1890,338

Sugar and the Hawaiian Revolution344

Harrison, Blaine, and American Foreign Policy, 1889-1893356

Cleveland's Venezuelan Policy364


1. Raising the American Flag in Samoa, 1877373

2. American Influence in Samoa, 1886373

3. Instructions to Lucius H. Foote, first American Minister to Korea, 1883375

4. American-European Competition in Korea, 1885377

5. The Role of the United States in the Hawaiian Revolution, 1893377

6. Statement by an American Citizen who participated in the Hawaiian Revolution, 1893379

7. Secretary of State Blaine discusses American Policy in Latin America, 1882380

8. The Need of Latin American Markets to avoid Strife at Home, 1886381

9. Platform of the Greenback Party in 1884382

8 MARKETS CRUSADES AND COLONIES The Crisis of 1898-1900384

American Business and the Spanish-American War387

Middle Western Newspapers and the Spanish-American War, 1895-1898393

The Rise of Anglo-American Friendship398

The Anti-Imperialist Movement in the United States,1898-1900401

American Labor and the Annexation of Hawaii: A Study in Logic and Economic Interest407

American Business Interests and the Open Door in China414


1. Alfred T. Mahan's Outlook on the Twentieth Century, 1895424

2. President Cleveland's View of the Cuban Crisis, 1896427

3. Editor Theodore Marburg argues the Right of Higher Civilization, 1898429

4. How the News from Cuba was distorted, 1898430

5. Theodore Roosevelt writes of his Efforts for War, 1898431

6. The Spanish Government asks for Peace, 1898432

7. Senator Beveridge discusses the March of the Flag, 1898433

8. Ex-President Cleveland decries Imperialism as Un-American, 1898434

9. The Danger to American Markets in China, 1898435

10. W.W. Rockhill's Memorandum on Commercial Policy in China, 1899436

11. Secretary of State Hay declares for the Open Door in China, 1899-1900438


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