
1: Introduction3

Part I The G8 In the and In the Future13

2: Do we need the G8 summit? : lessons from the past, looking ahead to the future15

3: America at the G8 : from vulnerability to victory at the Sea Island summit31

4: Russia in the G8 : from Sea Island 2004 to Russia 200651

5: The G8 in a globalising world : does the United States need the G8?67

Part II Prosperity and Security81

6: Advancing American security interests through the G883

7: Economic growth and national security105

8: Borders and international terrorism119

9: The G8 and the governance of cyberspace137

10: U.S. energy security and regional business153

Part III Finance and Security167

11: Combating black money : international co-operation and the G8169

12: Terrorist finance : within the grip of the G8?193

Part IV The G8 and International Trade Policy203

13: Summitry and trade : what Sea Island could do for Doha205

14: Effective or defective? : the G8 and multilateral trade negotiations213


15: New perspectives on the G8231

Documentary Appendices257

App. A: Chair's summary : Sea Island, 10 June 2004259

App. B: G7 finance ministers and Central Bank governors meeting : Boca Raton, Florida, 6-7 February 2004263

App. C: G7 finance ministers and Central Bank governors meeting : Washington DC, 23-24 April 2004269

App. D: G7 finance ministers and Central Bank governors meeting : New York, 23 May 2004273

App. E: G7 finance ministers and Central Bank governors meeting : Washington DC, 1-3 October 2004275

App. F: G20 finance ministers and Central Bank governors meeting : Berlin, 20-21 November 2004281



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