Part. I: Political economy of market access1

1: Reforming agricultural policies in the Doha round3

2: The structure of lobbying and protection in U.S. agriculture41

3: Formula approaches to liberalizing trade in goods : efficiency and market access considerations89

4: Reform of services policy and commitments in trade agreements : an analysis of transition economies117

Part. II: Development and the trade regime145

5: Special and differential treatment in the WTO : why, when, and how?147

6: Unilateral preference programs : the evidence189

7: Mainstreaming economic development in the trading system213

8: "Aid for trade" : a proposal for increasing support for trade adjustment and integration229

Part. III: Rules and enforcement269

9: Trade facilitation and the WTO271

10: Investment incentives and multilateral disciplines301

11: Economic perspectives on a multilateral agreement on open access to basic science and technology349

12: Monitoring implementation : Japan and the WTO agreement on government procurement369

13: The case for tradable remedies in WTO dispute settlement395

Part. IV: Issue linkages415

14: Do we need an undertaker for the single undertaking? : considering the angles of variable geometry417

15: International cooperation on domestic policies : lessons from the WTO competition policy debate439


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