I. The Roots of the Communist Party of Canada1

1. Beginning of the Working Class Movement1

2. The Impact of the Russian Revolution10

3. The Foundation of the Communist Party of Canada13

II. A Party of the New Type24

1. The Communist Party in Action24

2. The Trade Union Educational League32

3. The Canadian Labor Party41

III. The Struggle for Theoretical Clarity46

1. Against Trotskyism46

2. Against North American Exceptionalism51

3. Defining Canada's Status60

IV. The Great Depression-The Reactionary Offensive66

1. The Economic and Political Crisis66

2. Estevan68

3. The Canadian Labor Defense League and the Eight Communist Leaders72

V. The Great Depression-Canadians Fight Back83

1. The Workers' Unity League83

2. The Farmers' Unity League88

3. On to Ottawa91

VI. The Fight for Peace and Democracy100

1. The CIO100

2. The United Front108

3. A Canadian People's Front112

4. The Fight against Duplessis118

5. The Threat of a New World War and the Fight for Spanish Democracy121

VII. The War Years133

1. From Imperialist War to Anti-Fascist War133

2. Illegality and Internment136

3. Formation of the Labor-Progressive Party145

4. Browderism147

VIII. The Cold War152

1. The Cold War in Canada154

2. In Defense of Labor Unity157

3. Keep Canada Independent168

IX. We Fight for Canada175

1. Against the Threat of Nuclear War175

2. Fighting the Sell-Out180

3. McCarthyism in the Labor Movement185

X. Leninism versus Revisionism193

1. The Gathering Storm193

2. The Ideological Crisis Breaks195

3. Two Plenums-20 Days200

XI. A Period of Transition209

1. The Diefenbaker Years209

2. New Stage in the World Communist Movement218

4. Maoism-Its Break with Socialism224

XII. The Challenge of the Sixties229

1. From Selma to Saigon229

2. In Defense of Communist Principles236

3. Revival of the Mass Movement243

XIII. The National Question in Canada252

1. The Communist Party's Initial Approach252

2. The Nation and the Right to Self-Determination256

3. The Crisis of Confederation261

4. The Native Peoples271

XIV. Unity in Action277

1. The Road to Socialism277

2. The Struggle for Détente288

3. The Working Class on the Move296



In Lieu of Bibliography310


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