
1. Global Jeopardy3

Down and Out in Ottawa and Charlottetown15

2. From Constitutional Debacle to Economic Restructuring17

3. A Question of Relevance: Canada's Foreign Policy and Foreign Service in the 1990s37

4. Shooting Oneself in the Head: The Demise of CIIPS57

Trade Wars83

5. The End of Trade Policy?85

6. Strategic Alliances106

The Road from Rio131

7. The Road from Rio133

8. Environment and Development154

9. Toward Sustainable Development in Canada's Arctic: Policies and International Relations170

New Agendas for Global Change191

10.The Era of Living Less Dangerously: Diminishing International Threats to Human Life and Health193

11. Canadian Immigration Policy and Refugee Policy211

12. Les Nations Unies, le maintien de la paix et le Canada229

13. Security and NATO251

14. Canada and the Pacific266


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