1. The Last Days of the Twentieth Century in Tashkent13

A State in Transition13

Settling in at UWED19

Rural Opinion and Life in the Highlands23

Bilingualism and the Multicultural Sector31

Bric-a-brac and the Bazaar37

2. Omens and Portents44

Terrorism and Counter-terror Come to Tashkent44

A Picnic in Ferghana49

The Road South to Samarkand55

Cultural Revivalism64

3. Social Ethnicity and Uzbek Islam67

Socio-economic Transition67

Islamic Challenge and Secular Response78

Reconstruction of 'National' History84

South-west to Bukhara87

Islam and Ethnicity in End-century Tashkent100

4. Dialectic and Contradictions108

Cultural Limitations in post-Soviet Society108

Kandahar 1999114

Uzbekistan Turns the Century116

Academic and Cultural Diplomacy120

A Tashkent Summer128

5. The Uses of the Past and Indo-Uzbek Cultural Relations134

Babur 'Reconstructed'134

GIobalization and its Discontents142

Tales from Bukhara146

The Place of Bengali in South Asia-Uzbek Relations151

6. In the Eye of a Storm159

Multinationals and Market Restrictions159

The Eurasian Node of the 'Strategic Triangle'174

Overburdened Public Utilities in a post-Soviet Economy177

Taliban Desperation: The Rise of the Shanghai Forum182

7. A Diplomatic Revolution and its Consequences199

A Central Asian Diplomatic Revolution: Autumn 2001199

The Aftermath of a Little War213

The Painters of Sailgokh217

Checking Out220

8. Towards a Dialogue of Civilizations224

Eurasian Tectonics: The Shift Towards the West224

Cultural Islam vs. Neo-religious Fundamentalism133

Indian Cultural Diplomacy and the Central Asian Relationship239

Towards New Asian International Relations244

9. Postscript252

References Cited in the Text255


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