
What Is an Industrial Policy?2

Underlying Themes in Canadian Industrial Policy3

Approaches to Canadian Industrial Policy4

Organization of the Study5

Chapter 1. Early Development6

Chapter 2. Economic Development Concerns and Actions during the 1960s and 1970s9

Changing Conditions9

Institutional Change12

New Programs14

Changes in Governmental Structures and Decisionmaking Processes15

Chapter 3. Further Cabinet Reforms and the Industrial Policymaking Process17

Chapter 4. Canadian Industrial Policy Objectives and Constraints22

Policy Objectives24

Constraints on Canadian Policymakers25

Chapter 5. Current Canadian Programs31

International Trade Policies33

Tariff and Nontariff Protection33

Export Promotion34

Policies toward Foreign Direct Investment36

Policy Actions during the Mid-1960s38

Official Studies, 1968-7239

The Foreign Investment Review Agency42

Energy Policies45

The National Energy Program45

Impact of the NEP48

Competition Policies50

Research and Development Incentives51

Financial Assistance and Tax Policies Favoring Manufacturing53

Tax Incentives53

General Incentive Programs54

Industry-Specific Programs56

Public Enterprises57


Manpower Policies64

Chapter 6. Provincial Industrial Policies66

Specialization and Competition among the Provinces66

Policies in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec68




Chapter 7. The Outlook for Canadian Industrial Policy78

Competing Approaches to Industrial Policy79

Freer Trade/Domestic Noninterventionist Approach79

Interventionist Approach79

Freer Trade/Domestic Interventionist Approach81

Options and Outlook for Canadian Industrial Policy82

Trade Policies83

Policies toward Foreign Direct Investment85

Energy Policies85

Competition Policies86

Research and Development Incentives86

Industrial Incentives87

Public Enterprises88


Chapter 8. Conclusions: Canadian Industrial Policy and Bilateral Economic Relations91

The Divergent Paths of U.S. and Canadian Policies91

Prospective Consequences of Canadian Policy for the Bilateral Relationship92

Prospective for Future Trade Negotiations96

Appendix 1. The Development of Canadian Policy Regarding Automotive Trade with the United States99

Bladen's Extended Content Plan (1961)99

The Duty Remission Plans, 1962 and 1963100

The Automotive Agreement (1965)101

Appendix 2. Evolution of Canadian Regional Policy103

NPA Officers and Board of Trustees107

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