Part 1. The Quiet Military-Technological Revolution1

1. New Technologies3

2. Tactical Nuclear Weapons11

Military Effects of Tactical Nuclear Weapons11

The Nuclear Battlefield14

Problems of Escalation and Responsibility22

3. Tactical Air and Air Defenses29

Uses of Tactical Air Power29

Techniques of Air Attack33

The Problem of Hitting the Target37

Air Defenses43

Cruise Missiles: A Special Case48

Warfare in the Air50

The Consequences of Advanced Technology54

4. Tanks and Anti-Tank Guided Missiles63

Warfare Between Armored Forces64

Defeating the Tank71

Anti-Tank Guided Missiles73

The Impact on ATGMs on Armored Warfare and Forces76

5. Ships and the Evolution of War at Sea83

Background: The Purpose, the Threat, and Pressures for Change83

Evolution of the Navy Since World War II87

Modern Combat Operations at Sea95

Opposing U.S. and Soviet Naval Strategies102

Sources of Concern About the U.S. Navy105

The Special Problem of Vulnerability108

Groping for Some Ways Out112

Part 2. Using the General Purpose Forces127

6. Military Power in the Twentieth Century's Last Decades129

A Concise History of Warfare Since World War II132

Strategic Developments and Constraints135

On Deterrence and Escalation151

Commitments and Prospects155

7. The Defense of Western Europe: The Military Equations163

A Static Comparison of Military Strength163

The Techniques of Dynamic Comparison172

The Dynamic Balance of Conventional Forces in Europe175

Defending Germany with the New Weaponry: An Illustrated Scenario177

The Nuclear Deterrent180

8. The Defense of Western Europe: The Cost of a Credible Deterrent185

Cost of Force Improvement185

Short War, Long War187

Rationalization, Standardization, Interoperability191

9. The Soviet Union as "Threat"205

Looking East From Europe205

Why Would Russia Go to War?209

The Real Nature of the Threat214

Part 3. Creating and Sustaining the General Purpose Forces217

10.Cost, Leverage, and Management219

Where Is the Leverage?222

Better Management229

The Uses and Misuses of Technology237

What Systems to Acquire?249

The Cost of Military Manpower: Personnel Policies259

Saving Personnel Cost Through Innovative Management264

Total Impact on the Budget271

11. Summing Up273



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