1. Introduction1

2. The History and Objectives of the Civil Jury System22

3. The Regulatory Function of the Civil Jury61

4. Justifying the Civil Jury103

5. Inside the Black Box: What Empirical Research Tells Us about Decisionmaking by Civil Juries137

6. Civil Juries and Complex Cases: Taking Stock after Twelve Years181

7. Attitudes toward the Civil Jury: A Crisis of Confidence?248

8. What Jurors Think: Expectations and Reactions of Citizens Who Serve as Jurors282

9. Mapping the Debate on Jury Reform306

10. Improving the Quality of Jury Decisionmaking341

11. Recent Innovations in Civil Jury Trial Procedures378

12. The Modern American Jury: Reflections on Veneration and Distrust399

13. Restructuring the Traditional Civil Jury: The Effects of Changes in Composition and Procedures414

14. Jury Service and Community Representation460

15. Finding the Factfinders500



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