The Transport of Bivalent Cations into the Yeast Cell in relation to Potassium and Phosphate Uptake&by A.Rothstein.1

Radioactive Isotopes in the Study of Synthesis Processes in Yeast Organisms&by R.D.Galtsova and N.A.Pomoshnikova.12

Sulphur Metabolism in Fungi&by June E.Robson.29

Formation de sulfite,d'acide cysteique et de taurine a partir de sulfate par l'oeuf embryonne&par F.Chapeville et P.Fromageot.44

L'existence de deux formes de phosphore dans le plasma&par J.Govaerts et R.Machiroux.52

The Turnover-Rates of Labile Phosphate Compounds in Skeletal and Heart Muscle during Activity and Rest,investigated with the Use of Radiophosphorus and Paper Chromatography&by A.Fleckenstein and J.Janke.60

The Use of Radiophosphorus in the Study of Phosphorus Metabolism of Red Blood Cells&by E.Gerlach.74


Studies on the Mechanism of the Retinal Photoreception by the use of Phosphorus-32&by I.Hongo,T.Hara,Y.Sekoguti,R.Hara,M.Kato and I.Oki.90

The Interpretation of Radiosodium Tissue Clearance Measurements as Applied to Peripheral Circulation Studies&by W.Gemmell,J.J.Haxhe and N.Veall.100

Emploi du potassium 42 pour l'etude du fonctionnement renal&par F.Morel et M.Guinnebault.108

Etude des voies generales du metabolisme calcique chez l'homme&par G.Milhaud et J.P.Aubert.120

The Delayed Redistribution of Radiocalcium in the Skeleton&by P.Lacroix and R.Ponlot.125

Differential Removal of Calcium-40 and Calcium-45 from Bone as Influenced by the Parathyroids and by Citric Acid&by R.V.Talmage and J.R.Elliott.135


Behaviour of Tracer Amounts of Strontium,Caesium,Ruthenium and Zirconium in Soils and Plants according to the Data of Investigations with Radioactive Isotopes of these Elements&by V.M.Klechkovsky and I.V.Guliakin.150

Discrimination between Strontium and Calcium in Plants and Soils&by R.P.Martin,P.Newbould and R.Scott Russell.173

Strontium-Calcium Metabolism in Man and Animals as Studied by Radioisotope Methods&by C.L.Comar and R.H.Wasserman.191

Experiments on the Metabolism of Certain Fission Products in Dairy Cows&by Helen M.Squire,L.J.Middleion,B.F.Sansom and C.R.Coid.207

Retention and Toricity of Radiostrontium in Monkeys&by A.H.Ward.221

Skeletal Metabolism in Humans Studied with Body Surface Counting of Strontium-85 and Calcium-47&by G.C.H.Bauer.232


Some Recent Researches on the Use of Radioisotopes for Fertiliser Evaluation.The Uptake and Utilisation of Carbon via Plant Root from Carbon-14 labelled Urea and the Behaviour of Phosphorus-32 in Various Compound Fertilicers&by S.Mitsui,K.Tensho and K.Kurihara.247

Acquisitions recentes en chimie agricole par l'usage du phosphore-32 et du calcium-45&par A.Van den Hende et R.de Loose.259

The Effect of Temperature on the Mineral Nutrition of Plants&by Z.I.Zhurbitxky and D.V.Shtrausberg.270

The Effect of Transpiration on the Adsorption of Inorganic Ions by Intact Plants&by R.Scott Russell and V.M.Shorrocks.286

Leaching of Nutrients from Plant Foliage as Determined by Radioisotopes&by H.B.Tukey,S.H.Wittwer and H.B.Tukey,Jr.304

Application of Radioactive Isotopes in the Study of Plant Fertilization&by I.M.Polyakov,A.N.Dmitrieva and A.F.Zdrilko.323


Translocation Studies in Phloem with the Simultaneous Use of Tritium-Labelled Water,Carbon-14,Phosphorus-32 and Microautoradiograms&by O.Biddulph,S.F.Biddulph and R.Cory.340

The Circulatory System of the Sugarcane Plant&by G.O.Burr,C.E.Harts,T.Tanimoto,D.Takahashi and H.W.Brodie.351

Exchange and Circulation of Labelled Ions in Young Intact Plants&by R.J.Helder.369

Contribution à l'etude de la nutrition minerale des arbrcs fruitiers au moyen d'isotopes radioactifs&par C.Corin,A.Lecrenier,R.Kirchman,O.Liard et M.A.Picard.382

Measurement of Ionic Flures in Red Beet Tissue using Radioisotopes&by G.E.Briggs,A.B.Hope and M.G.Pitman.391

Transport of Sucrose in Stem Sections&by D.de Zeeuw.401



Various Ways of Transformation of Carbon Assimilated by Plants in the Process of Photosynthesis&by A.A.Nichiporovich,T.F.Andreyeva,N.P.Voskresenskaya,L.A.Nergovorova and Y.I.Novitzkiy.411

Effect of some Poisons upon the Mechanism of Photosynthesis as Studied by the Technique of'Pre-Illumination'using C14 as a Tracer&by H.Tamiya,S.Miyachi,T.Hirokawa and T.Katoh.432

Investigations on Light-Depending Phosphorylation in Plants by Means of Phosphorus-32&by W.Simonis and M.Ehrenberg.449

Sur la distribution de l'anhydride carbonique marque flxe par photosynthese et par β-carboxylation dans les feuilles de Bryophyllum&par Marie L.Champigny,G.Jolchine et A.Moyse.458

On the Renewal of Chlorophyll and Protein in Plants&by T.N.Godnev,F.V.Turchin and A.A.Shlyk.471

Interrelation of Chlorophyll Components and Carotinoids in Biosynthesis&by A.A.Shlyk and T.N.Godnev.479


The Root System as an Organ of Metabolism&by A.L.Kursanov.494

Radiochemical Identification of Diglycerophosphate and its Probable Role in Lipid Synthesis by Plants&by A.A.Benson and B.Maruo.510

Studies on the Biosynthesis of Alkaloids using Radioactive Trcer Technique&by S.Shibata,I.Imaseki and M.Yamaraki.520

The Use of Carbon-14 for Investigating the Mechanism of Biosynthesis of Rubber and its Concomitants in the Kok-Sagyz&by E.A.Shilov.523

The Use of Radiocarbon in the Study of Biosynthesis of Terpenes&by G.V.Sukhov.535

Studies on the Biosynthesis of Cyanidin with the Aid of Carbon-14-Labelled Compounds&by H.Grisebach.548


The Effect of Water Stress on the Cell Wall Metabolism of Plant Tissue&by L.Ordin.553

Total Labelling of Organic Substances in Plants by Radioactive Carbon as a means of Studying Metabolic Breakdowns&by A.M.Kusin and V.I.Tokarskaya.565

Certain Data on the Physioloy and Metabolism of Yeast Saccharomyces Carisbergensis 776 in Fermentation of Malt Wort&by I.Y.Veselov,S.S.Rylkin,N.V.Pokrovskaya and V.N.Shil.579

Radioisotopes et culture des tissus vegetaux&par Rene Heller.595


Mesure par la methods au C14 de l'activite photosynthetique de quelques masses d'eau du Pacifique Sud-Ouest en relation avec l'Qude de la fertilite de ces memes eaux&par H.Jitts at H.Rotschi.607

The Results and Prospects of Using Carbon-14 for a Study of Organic Matter Cycle in Water Basins&by J.I.Sorokin.633

A Study on the Organic Productivity and the Solubility Product of CaCO3 in the Ocean by Means of Carbon-14&by Y.Miyake.651

Natural and Artificially(Air-Ploughing)Induced Movement of Radioactive Phosphorus from the Muds of Lakes&by A.D.Hasler.658

Feeding and Digestion in Marine Copepods&by S.M.Marshall and A.P.Orr.676

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