《STATISTICAL MECHANICS The Theory of the properties of matter in Equilibrium》求取 ⇩

Ⅰ Introduotion1

Ⅱ The General Theorems of Statistical Mechanics for Assemblies of Permanent Systems16

Ⅲ Assemblies of Permanent Systems(cont.)The Specific Heats of Simple Gases77

Ⅳ Partition Functions for Temperature Radiation and Crystals.Simple Properties of Crystals112

Ⅴ The General Assembly.Dissociation and Evapora-tion151

Ⅵ The Relationship of the Equilibrium Theory to Classical Thermodynamics187

Ⅶ Nernst's Heat Theorem and the Chemical Constants208

Ⅷ The Theory of Imperfect Gases236

Ⅸ The Theory of Imperfect Gases(cont.)275

Ⅹ Interatomic Forces292

Ⅺ The Electron Theory of Metals,Thermionics and Metallic Conduction.Semi-Conductors338

Ⅻ Electric and Magnetic Susceptibilities.Ferromag-netism437

ⅩⅢ Applications to Liquids and Solutions522

ⅩⅣ Assemblies of Atoms,Atomic Ions and Electrons561

ⅩⅤ Atmospheric Problems584

ⅩⅥ Applications to Stellar Interiors638

ⅩⅦ Mechanisms of Interaction.Collision Processes658

ⅩⅧ Chemical Kinetics in Gaseous Systems700

ⅩⅨ Mechanisms of Interaction.Radiative Processes720

ⅩⅩ Fluctuations743

ⅩⅪ Recent Applications to Cooperative and other Pheno-mena789

Index of Authors quoted853

Index of Subjects858

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