《变革 英文版》求取 ⇩

1.Tune in to the external environment1

1.1 Mapping a new future1

1.2 The past doesn't help anymore8

1.3 Predictable cycles of change9

1.4 Businesses with a buzz18

1.5 Scanning your business environment18

1.6 Summary24

2.Diagnose organization capability25

2.1 The challenge of the 1990s26

2.2 Organizing for change28

2.3 The strategy lever30

2.4 Structure as a lever for change32

2.5 Systems can be sexy35

2.6 The people lever and culture change39

2.7 Managing for the future42

2.8 Identifying your agenda for change43

2.9 Summary44

3.Change starts with you46

3.1 Adjust your mind-set46

3.2 The change will change you49

3.3 Believe you can make a difference49

3.4 The paradox of personal change50

3.5 Letting go52

3.6 Managing personal transition55

3.7 From meddler to strategist:influencing styles60

3.8 Summary70

4.Understanding the change process72

4.1 The challenge to management72

4.2 Change hurts73

4.3 The predictable process of change78

4.4 Why individuals resist:translating negatives into positives84

4.5 Summary90

5.1 No quick fix92

5.Building a culture for change92

5.2 Creating an internal market for change94

5.3 Investing in education94

5.4 Total immersion in the business96

5.5 Shared vision97

5.6 Spelling out the changing requirement98

5.7 Joint diagnosis of business problems99

5.8 Reinforcing a'people matter'style99

5.9 How ICL created a culture for change100

5.10 The lessons for sustaining change103

5.11 Summary106

6.1 Resistance and the status quo107

6.Anticipating and managing resistance107

6.2 Organizational and individual inertia109

6.3 Identifying resistant forces111

6.4 Resistance as momentum for change116

6.5 Some techniques for managing resistance116

6.6 Summary123

7.Visionary Ieadership124

7.1 The vision thing125

7.2 Building a shared vision127

7.3 Leading change135

7.4 Living the vision141

7.5 The long goodbye144

7.6 Summary145

8.Destabilizing the status quo147

8.1 Speeding up the unfreezing process147

8.2 Immovable objects and irresistible forces:the dynamics of change148

8.3 Harbingers of doom149

8.4 Surfacing dissatisfaction150

8.5 Recognizing a common enemy152

8.6 Engineering a crisis152

8.7 Summary156

9.1 Information:the antidote to uncertainty157

9.Communicate like crazy157

9.2 What to communicate when ambiguity abounds158

9.3 Glasnost:the open style160

9.4 The $64,000 question:how?163

9.5 'Top-down'or'bottom-up'?164

9.6 Ownership and early involvement165

9.7 Establishing communication channels168

9.8 Ten commandments for getting it wrong170

9.9 Summary171

10.Time,timing and transition173

10.1 Change takes longer than you think174

10.2 Evolutionary v.revolutionary change176

10.3 Lead-times and change tools177

10.4 Timing is all178

10.5 Announcementitis:macho v.Zen179

10.6 Managing transition:creating time and space180

10.7 Summary180

11.Making it happen183

11.1 Are you convinced?183

11.2 Summary of key messages and challenges183

11.3 Becoming a change star185

11.4 A process for leading change188

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