《英文部分》求取 ⇩

1. Introduction1

1.1. Explanatory notes concerning the fragments1

1.2. Fragments of the Maitreyasamiti-Nātaka published by E.Sieg and W.Siegling in Tocharische Sprachreste1

1.3. Old Uighur versions or translations3

1.4. Parallel versions in other languages4

1.4.1. Chinese4

1.4.2. Tibetan5

1.4.3. Khotanese Saka5

1.4.4. Sogdian5

1.4.5. Pāli5

1.4.6. Sanskrit6

1.5. Brief outline of the contents of the lst,2nd,3rd and 5th acts6

1.5.1. Story from the“Tales of the Wise and the Fool”7

1.5.2. ActⅠ13

1.5.3. ActⅡ14

1.5.4. ActⅢ14

1.5.5. ActⅤ15

1.6. Technical remarks16

1.6.1. Principles of section division of the text16

1.6.2. Previous editions of fragments of the Yanqi manuscript17

1.6.3. Abbreviations of reference works18

1.6.4. Table of abbreviations19

1.6.5. Signs of transliteration19

2. Edition of the fragments(transliteration,translation,notes)21

2.1. ActⅠ21

Ⅰ.1. YQ1.3021

Ⅰ.2. YQ1.2927

Ⅰ.3. YQ1.3231

Ⅰ.4. YQ1.2835

Ⅰ.5. YQ1.1739

Ⅰ.6. YQ1.1643

Ⅰ.7. YQ1.1549

Ⅰ.8. YQ1.355

Ⅰ.9. YQ1.959

Ⅰ.10. YQ1.163

2.2. ActⅡ67

Ⅱ.1. YQ1.267

Ⅱ.2. YQ1.473

Ⅱ.3. YQ1.4277

Ⅱ.4. YQ1.881

Ⅱ.5. YQ1.1489

Ⅱ.6. YQ1.1395

Ⅱ.7. YQ1.5101

Ⅱ.8. YQ1.6105

Ⅱ.9. YQ1.7109

Ⅱ.10. YQ1.12113

Ⅱ.11. YQ1.11119

Ⅱ.12. YQ1.10123

Ⅱ.13. YQ1.31129

Ⅱ.14. YQ1.33133

Ⅱ.15. YQ1.43137

2.3 ActⅢ*143143

Ⅲ.1. YQ1.21143

Ⅲ.2. YQ1.22149

Ⅲ.3. YQ1.44155

Ⅲ.4. YQ1.23159

Ⅲ.5. YQ1.24163

Ⅲ.6. YQ1.25167

Ⅲ.7. YQ1.26171

Ⅲ.8. YQ1.41175

Ⅲ.9. YQ1.20181

Ⅲ.10. YQ1.18187

Ⅲ.11. YQ1.19191

Ⅲ.12. YQ1.27195

2.4. ActⅤ199

Ⅴ.1. YQ1.39199

2.5. Fragments not yet identified205

N.1. YQ1.34205

N.2. YQ1.35206

N.3. YQ1.36206

N.4. YQ1.37208

N.5. YQ1.38210

N.6. YQ1.40211

3. Indices213

3.1. Index verborum of the fragments of the Yanqi manuscript213

3.2. Index of verb forms(Verbalverzeichnis)269

3.3. Glossary of non-verbal forms280



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