作者:赵志仁著;任智锋,汤慧卿,李润芝,张宁,翁建平译 出版:郑州:黄河水利出版社 页数:163    ✅ 真实服务 非骗流量  ❤️ 出版时间:2017.12 (求助前请核对清楚) 求助编号:9146936130 (学习资料 勿作它用) 求助格式:PDF(无水印/扫描版)我要投诉 重要说明:求助即说明同意《文件求助条款》   Word/doc、ePubb、mobi、PPT、TXT
  • 赵志仁著的《大坝安全监测设计》介绍:The book introduces technical problems on dam security observation scientifically. For concrete dam, earth rock dam,bank of near dam region, water conveyance structure, and outlet structure, several plans, are resented. For example,observation item optimizing, test point optimizing, reasonable distribution, and facility selection. Moreover, the bookintroduces security observation designs of seven typical concrete dams and earth rock dams. Then, it shows evaluationof above designs. Based on past experience of dam security observation designs, advanced new technology and meansare generated. Of course, it has tight relationship with practical engineering. As a result, based on the principle(practical, reliable, advanced, economic), design is optimized. Purposes, such as damsecurity observation, gainingprofit, improving technology level of design and construction, could be achieved. The book is available for technicians of water resources and hydropower engineering design, construction,observation, scientific research, operation, management, facility production. Moreover, it could be used for staff ofuniversity as well.
