作者:陈嘉贤著 出版:广州:暨南大学出版社 页数:277    ✅ 真实服务 非骗流量  ❤️ 出版时间:2009.08 (求助前请核对清楚) 求助编号:9402909550 (学习资料 勿作它用) 求助格式:PDF(无水印/扫描版)我要投诉 重要说明:求助即说明同意《文件求助条款》   Word/doc、ePubb、mobi、PPT、TXT
  • dilates on its underlying research which aimed to innovate a new general methodology for deriving generalized software metrics models from past empirical software metrics data. These genera/ised software metrics models are to predict the target software metric(s) of any future software project from the projects predictor software metric(s) always in a best-effort, best-accuracy and best-consistency manner whether all, only some or even none of these required predictor software metric(s) is/are available for that future project and/or projects in the past empirical software ware metrics data. A software projects predictor software metric(s) indicate(s) or measure(s) the projects relevant software engineering factor(s). This general methodology was illustrated in the research by deriving, from the empirical software metrics data of past software projects sourced in this research, two real-world generalized software metrics models with the productivity and work effort measures as the target software metrics respectively. These two real-world generalized software metrics models prediction accuracy and consistency were also assessed in this research. Additionally done was an analysis of the impact of the various aforesaid software engineering factor(s) of software projects on the projects productivity and work effort. All these works are presented in this book.
