《Table 1 Parameters of model pump》

《Table 1 Parameters of model pump》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Numerical Study of Pressure Pulsation of Centrifugal Pumps with the Compressible Mode》

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In this paper,the problem of compressibility effect of water in a reversible pump turbine is simplified into the influence of water compressibility in a centrifugal pump.The centrifugal pump based on the hydraulic model IS65-50-160 is used to study.The computational domain of CFD was divided as shown in Fig.2:a suction duct,extended segment of suction,seal ring,front sidewall gap,impeller,gap between impeller and volute,rear sidewall gap,volute,and outlet duct.In contrast with other numerical models,an extended segment of suction,seal ring,front sidewall gap,and rear sidewall gap were added to account for the effects of the volumetric loss.The model pump parameters are displayed in Table 1.