《Table 3–Diversity of the eight-cysteine motif in barley LTP types.》

《Table 3–Diversity of the eight-cysteine motif in barley LTP types.》   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Genome-wide analysis of the barley non-specific lipid transfer protein gene family》

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Classification of the identified barley nsLTPs was performed based on sequence identity of mature proteins,GPI modification sites,intron positions,Cys spacing in 8CM,and comparison with nsLTPs of rice and Arabidopsis.The 70HvLTPs were classified into five types:1,2,C,D,and G.Type G proteins accounted for the largest proportion of barley nsLTP proteins:31 nsLTPs,comparable to the 27(of 78)in rice and 29(of 71)in Arabidopsis(Table S1).There were eight type 2proteins and only one type 1 protein in barley,fewer than in rice and Arabidopsis.Of the 70 barley sequences,27 were assigned to type D,more than the corresponding numbers in the other two species.The numbers of type C sequences was low in all three species.The barley nsLTPs were named according to their types.The gene encoding a barley type 1nsLTP was named HvLTP1,with corresponding numbers being assigned for the other types.