《Table 2.Cortical dynamic histomorphometry values of wild-type (Lgals3+/+) , heterozygous (Lgals3KO/

《Table 2.Cortical dynamic histomorphometry values of wild-type (Lgals3+/+) , heterozygous (Lgals3KO/   提示:宽带有限、当前游客访问压缩模式
《Enhanced cortical bone expansion in Lgals3-deficient mice during aging》

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Ec,endocortical;Ps,periosteal;MAR,mineral apposition rate;M.Pm/Pm,mineralizing perimeter/total perimeter;BFR,bone formation rate.aValues are expressed as mean±S.E.M.(n=7–10).Holm–Sidak post-hoc analysis adjusted P-values relative to wild type;bol

We also looked at genes involved in osteoblast stimulation of osteoclast differentiation and observed a strong elevation of Opg in Lgals3KOKOcells on day 6(Fig.5b).Opg suppresses osteoclastogenesis by antagonizing Rankl(receptor activator of NF-k B ligand)signaling26We observed no difference in Rankl or macrophage colony stimulating factor(m Csf)expression.However,despite the increased transcription of Opg in calvarial osteoblasts in vitro,we actually observed reduced plasma levels of Opg in Lgals3-KO mice and alterations to the Opg/Rankl ratio(Table 3),suggesting that there is another factor in vivo that disfavors Opg protein levels in Lgals3-KO mice.