《施金波钢琴曲作品集》求取 ⇩

七首中国民歌Seven Chinese Folk Songs 施金波 Shi Kum Por1

1.哭秋香〔山西省〕Mourning for Chew-Shan1

2.放羊调(山西省)Shepherd’s Melody1

3.小白菜(安徽省)Little Cabbage2

4.等哥来(山西省)Waiting for him3

5.牧羊姑娘(青海省)Shepherd Girl4

6.山歌Mountain Song5

7.青春舞曲(新疆省)Youth Dance Song6

三首抒情曲Three Lyric Pieces7

1.落花流水〔根据格里埃尔Gliere「序曲」之主题音型〕 Falling Petals and Flowing Water施金波7


3.细诉Tender Words施金波11

两首儿童钢琴曲Two Pieces for Children14

1.面具舞Dance of the Masks施金波14

2.春天的小溪 The Stream in Spring施金波15

中国民歌主题变奏曲爱之音诗A Verse of Romance Variation on a theme of Chinese folk song16施金波 SHI KUM-POR16

两首商调式序曲Two Preludes in Dorian Mode28

1.『哀哀父母,生我劬劳』—诗经 “Alas for my father and mother, Alas for all their trouble in bringing me up!”-from the Book of Poems施金波28


祝英台-云南民歌主题赋格曲ZHU YING -TAI Fugue on a theme of Yunnan folk song施金波36

四季-四首巴哈式的中国旋律Four Seasons-Four Bachianas Chinese Melodies41

1.阳春弄舞 Dance for the Bright Spring Days施金波 SHI KUM-POR41

2.凄离 Sorrowful Parting43

3.深秋寄语 Autumn Thoughts45

4.征途 Expedition47

青春奏鸣曲—献给青少年Youth Sonata--For the Youth施金波SHI KUM-POR50




中国风情Features Chinese62

1.海公戏狮 Lion Dance Clowns施金波 SHI KUM-POR62

2.大雄宝殿 The Great Hall in a Temple施金波SHI KUM-POR66

3.幻想舞曲Fantastic Dance施金波72

欢乐时光—献给儿童Joyous Days—For all children78

1. Hide and Seek 一.捉迷藏施金波 SHI KUM-POR78

2. Swinging 二.荡秋千79

3. The Ferries’ Wheel 三.摩天轮80

4. Skating 四.溜冰81

5. Dreamland 五.梦境83

6. The Juggler and The Acrobat 六.杂技表演84

7. March 七.进行曲85

五首速写Five Sketches87

1.深山古庙An old monastery on the yonder mountain施金波87

2.The Rain and the Rainbow88

3.儿童乐园 Merryland for children90

4.哀悼-新闻图片中受迫害的华侨 Lament after seeing news pictures showing oversea’s Chinese being presecuted92

5.社戏 Festive Theatre94

四首悲歌Four Elegiac Songs97

1.举头望明月My glance at the Moon施金波97

2.哭诉(一张越战新闻图片中的妇孺)BEMOAN(Woman and child in a news picture during the Vietnam War)施金波98

3.老乞写在街上的七言绝诗 A pitiable poem by an old tramp施金波100

4.和平的愿望 Longing for peace all over the world施金波101

田园即景三首Three Pastoral Scenes103

1.仙鹤轻翔 Gently Glides the Grane施金波103

2.春水满池 Brimming Water in Spring施金波104

3.群蜂飞舞 A Swarm of Bees施金波105

筝韵Tune of Guzheng施金波107


Brief Notes About the Piano Pieces112

1995《施金波钢琴曲作品集》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由施金波著 1995 香港艺术发展局 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。