《大学生高级实用英语 新型阅读技巧 下》求取 ⇩

Unit 11

Passage A:Lincoln's Autobiography1

Passage B:My Father,"Dr.Pat"7

Passage C:The Indian Character16

Unit 222

Passage A:Getaway22

Passage B:The Hobbyist29

Passage C:Hearts and Hands35

Unit 340

Passage A:The Variety of Conversations40

Passage B:The International Language of Gestures49

Passage C:What Kind of Language Are You Using?57

Unit 462

Passage A:Time to Give Reading a Break62

Passage B:Why Study English?70

Passage C:The Different Ways of Being Smart74

Unit 582

Passage A:The Transaction82

Passage B:William Shakespeare—Popular Then and Now91

Passage C:Moon on a Silver Spoon96

Unit 6105

Passage A:Accidental Drug Addiction105

Passage B:TV Addiction113

Passage C:Smokers Have Rights,Too121

Unit 7128

Passage A:Crime:An Ever-Growing Problem128

Passage B:How to Keep Your Wallet Safe?133

Passage C:Who Killed Benny Paret?141

Unit 8149

Passage A:The Handsome and Deformed Leg149

Passage B:Born to Win156

Passage C:How to Be a Leader166

Unit 9174

Passage A:Room for One More174

Passage B:Salvation183

Passage C:The Green Banana191

Unit 10199

Passage A:How a Ballpoint Pen Works199

Passage B:The Sword That Can Heal205

Passage C:Tap Your Hidden Energy210

Unit 11217

Passage A:Big Numbers and Infinities217

Passage B:How to Deal with Difficul People227

Passage C:The Fine Art of Encouragement233

Unit 12239

Passage A:Think You're Drinking Enough Water?239

Passage B:Foods That Fight Aging244

Passage C:Diet the T-Factor Way250

Unit 13258

Passage A:Life's Little Gambles258

Passage B:The Dangers in Your Garage264

Passage C:Cancer & Chemicals273

Unit 14281

Passage A:House Beautiful281

Passage B:Types of Houses289

Passage C:Cave Building296

Unit 15301

Passage A:The Ultimate Machine:The Electronic Computer301

Passage B:The Telephone of Today—And Tomorrow307

Passage C:About Electricity313

Unit 16320

Passage A:Kick Your Bad Habits for Good320

Passage B:Dating Patterns in the USA327

Passage C:Why Manners?333

Unit 17340

Passage A:Search for the Wrinkle-Free Face340

Passage B:Your Anger Can Kill You349

Passage C:Take Time to Laugh358

Unit 18366

Passage A:Cooperative Efforts in the World around Us366

Passage B:Ecology 2000371

Passage C:Why Smart People Fail?379

Unit 19390

Passage A:Women Balance Policework and Home390

Passage B:An Alternative:Mothers Who Return Home398

Unit 20405

About Writing405

Answer Keys420

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英语阅读技巧(1992 PDF版)
1992 北京:人民交通出版社
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1991 四川科学技术出版社
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1999 长沙:国防科技大学出版社
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1994 天津:南开大学出版社
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