《建筑史论文集 第11辑 11》求取 ⇩

梁思成、林徽音与国徽设计 秦佑国1

Liang Sicheng, Lin Huiyin in Design of National Emblem Qin Youguo1

The History, Categories and Structural Characteristics of Tibetan Architecture Minyag Choekyi Gyaltsen15

藏式建筑的历史发展、种类分析及结构特征 木雅·曲吉建才15

The Decorative Characteristics and Value of Vernacular Architecture Lou Qingxi26

乡土建筑装饰的特征与价值 楼庆西26

Research on Yinzao Fashi (The Rules of Architecture) Chen Minda43

关于《营造法式》的研究 陈明达43

Annotations for Glimpses of Gardens in Eastern China Wang Tan53

译《东南园墅》之附注 汪坦53

The Orgin, Development and Form of Chinese and Japanese Zhuanlun Jinzang Zhang Shiqing60

中日佛教转轮经藏的源流与形制 张十庆60

A Preliminary Study of the Earth Buildings in the South and Middle Part of Fujian Province Fu Jing72

闽南及闽中土楼初探 傅晶72

The Type and Distribution of the Stores in the Downtown Streets of North-Song Dongjing Tian Yinsheng84

北宋东京街市上的店铺类型及其分布 田银生84

The Research of Old Batteries Along the Coast of Pearl River Zhao Wenbin97

珠江口沿岸古炮台研究 赵文斌97

First Study on Religious buildings and Spaces in Forbidden City Fang Xiaofeng104

紫禁城后宫宗教建筑和空间初探 方晓风104

Forbidden City and Versailles in 1699 Jia Jun111

1699年的紫禁城和凡尔赛宫 贾珺111

嵩岳寺塔的困惑 武蔚123

The Built Time of Songyue Temple Pagoda WuWei123

The Evolution of Cultural Environment and History of Architecture in the Bund of Shanghai Qian Zonghao132

外滩人文地理和建筑历史的变迁 钱宗灏132

The Evolution of Space, Organization and Other Elements of the Bund since1840s Lu Shaoming151

近现代外滩地区城市空间结构及其相关因素的演变研究 陆邵明151

Meaning of Signs Symbolism of Architecture Zhang Lianggao166

符号寓意与建筑表象 张良皋166

The Memorial Architecture——A Great System of Architecture Style Xu Boan172

纪念性建筑——一个具有永恒意义的建筑类型 徐伯安172

The Theory of Combining Architecture With Sculpture Song Jianhua178

建筑雕塑结合论 宋建华178

An Outline of the History of Chinese Architectural Historiography Yang Hongxun192

中国建筑史学史概说 杨鸿勋192

The Looks Back and Prospecting of Research on Chinese Vernacular Architecture Shan Deqi Zhao Zhifeng201

中国民居学术研究二十年回顾与展望 单德启 赵之枫201

Conservation of Cultural Heritage Environment Lu Zhou208

历史环境的保护问题 吕舟208

Comparing Research on the Preservation of Architectural Cultural Heritage in East Asia Xu Subin219

东亚洲建筑文化遗产保护之比较研究 徐苏斌219

InterSAVE in Conservation Plan of Historic Neighborhood kaiyuansi,Quanzhou Yi Qian237

泉州市开元寺历史街区保护规划中InterSAVE的运用 易骞237

Research on Conservation and Renewal of Bell Tower at Wanxian City in Drown Area of the Three Gorges Zhang Fuhe254

关于三峡工程淹没区内万县钟楼保护与再利用的研究 张复合254

New Yuanming Palace in Zhuhai and Yuanmingyuan Palace Guo Daiheng262

珠海圆明新园与圆明园 郭黛姮262

Brief Description of Techniques Employed in Forms of Traditional Buildings of the New Yuanming Palace in Zhuhai Liao Huinong284

珠海圆明新园传统式建筑技术措施设计述要 廖慧农284

Sutdy of Traditional Architecture in Japan since 1868 Nobuo AOKI291

日本的近代和风建筑的系谱(日) 青木信夫291



Appendix 1. Table of Contents Vol.1~10302

附录1 《建筑史论文集》第1~10辑总目录302

Appendix 2. Notification for Contributor306


Postscript Zhang Fuhe307

后记 张复合307

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