《英语趣味读物100篇》求取 ⇩

1、The Simple Youth1

2、Lightning and Electricity2

3、Studying Geography2

4、The Composition Class3

5、Son Shine4

6、The Same Mother4

7、An Awkward Situation5

8、How Old Is She?6

9、Washington's Reply6

10、Barking Dogs Don't Bite7

11、Do You Know the Number?8

12、Albert Einstein's Overcoat8

13、Who Is the Most Obedient?9

14、The Stupid Boy10

15、Buying Bread11

16、Pert and Pertinent11

17、Which Watch Is Better?12

18、A Traveler in Italy13

19、Guests for Dinner13

20、Absent-minded Professors14

21、Selling a Ladder15

22、Do the English Speak English?16

23、A Good Way17


25、A Good Lesson19


27、Fu?l Marks21

28、George Washington and the Horse22


30、Buying a Dress24

31、Clever Franklin25

32、It's Not My Fault26

33、Five Months Older27

34、The Polite Japanese28

35".Lighter Loaf,Less Payment29

36、The Shortest Letter29

37、Poor Old Gentleman30

38、Fire!Fire !31

39、A Life for a Life32

40".""I Am My Father""33

41、Keep It a Secret34

42、My Father Isn't as Rich as His34

43、Charles Makes a Complete Apology35

44、How Did He Get His Tip?36

45、The Night Watchman37

46、Hit Him Again38



49、The Man Buried Standing Up42

50、The Clever Hunter43

51、Psychological Tactics44

52、Spend All45

53、Old Tom and His Donkey47

54、The Instructions Are Inside48

55、No Doubt49

56、Foolish or Not50

57、Half Mad51

58、The Young Men and the Bull52

59、A Letter to a Girl Friend53

60、Mark Twain as a Lecturer54

61、Stupid Orders55

62、Mr.Gray's Trick56

63、A Clever Actor57

64、A Precious Turnip58

65、The Arrested Watchman59

66、The Better Painter60

67、The Stupid Manager61

68、The Waiter63


70、The Yong Prince65

71、The Prince and His Dog66

72、The Three Wishes68

73、Robert Bruce and the Spider69

74、A Lucky Escape70

75、My Fathe's Friend71

76、Finding a Happy Man73

77、The Arab and the Camel75

78、A Clever Escape77

79、The Statue of a Dog78

80、An Interesting Story80

81、Some Popular Sayings82

82、Future of the Family84

83、Who Are the British86

84、The Robot and Love87

85、Death Comes to90

86、Going Home92

87、The Date Father Didn't Keep96

88、October and June99

89、The Man Who Had No Eyes102

90、The Chaser107

91、The Open Window111

92、The Midnight Visitor114

93、Great Grandma's Book118

94、The Law of Life123


96、The Hasty Act133

97、The Man Who Hated Time138

98、I Didn't Expect to Meet a Burgar144

99、Here It Comes,There It Goes151

100、An Observation and and an Explanaion156

1988《英语趣味读物100篇》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由河北师范大学公共外语教学部编写组编 1988 北京:中国建设出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


趣味英语(1989 PDF版)
1989 北京:中国青年出版社
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1987 成都:成都科技大学出版社
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1999 北京:外文出版社
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1990 北京:北京语言学院出版社
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1985 沈阳:辽宁人民出版社
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1999 北京:新世界出版社
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1992 北京:科学普及出版社
趣味英语(1981 PDF版)
1981 北京:外语教学与研究出版社
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趣味英语(1981 PDF版)
1981 万里书店
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1988 北京:学习出版社