《现代美国社会与文化 第1卷》求取 ⇩


Unit 1On Culture—Basic Concepts for the Study of Societies1

1.Basic Concepts of Culture2


Unit 2Basic Facts about the U.S.A.15

3.The Land,the People,Natural Resources16

4.America:A Look at the People21

5.Here They Come!24

Unit 3American Values and Characteristics31

6.Basic American Values and Beliefs32

7.Values and Social Problems:A Consensus View37

8.American Values at the Crossroads42

9.Americans—as Other People See Them47

Unit 4Social Classes55

10.A Classless Society?56

11.Inequality in the United States62

12.The New-Collar Class69

Unit 5The Economy—Overview and Historical Perspectives77

13.How the United States Economy Works:an Overview78

14.The World of American Business84

15.Some Historical Perspectives on the American Economy:1830—193089

16.From Riches to Rags93

Unit 6Corporations,Big Business101

17.The Development of Giant Corporations102

18.Corporations,Profits and Advertising109

19.Corporate Power and Military Corruption110

20.The Stock Market114

Unit 7Labor and the Workers121

21.Labor’s Contribution122

22.Labor Day and the American Worker125

23.Work and Alienation128

24.Work on the Auto Assembly Line133

Unit 8Agriculture and the Farmers137

25.Agriculture:An Overview138

26.The New American Farmer143

27.Hard Pressed Farmers147

Unit 9The Family153

28.American Family Life154

29.The Changing American Family(Ⅰ)157

30.The Changing American Family(Ⅱ)160

31.One-Parent Family:The Troubles and the Joys167

32.Violent Families173

Unit 10Education177

33.American Education:Philosophy,Methods,Problems,Goals178

34.Education and Equality182

35.The Classroom Computers187

36.Advice That Can Help You Succeed on Campus189

Unit 11Religion195


38.Religion in American Life200

39.The Strange World of Cults204

Unit 12Mass Media211

40.News and Entertainment Media212

41.Spreading the News216

42.A Disturbing Journalistic Trend228

Appendix Ⅰ The United States of America233

Appendix ⅡRegions of the United States234

Appendix ⅢProducts of the United States235

Appendix ⅣThe States236

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