《中国语言学报 第8期》求取 ⇩

联系文化和历史进行词语研究 刘坚1

Study of vocabulary in the context of culture and history Liu Jian1

The view on language and the methodology in 《新著国语文法》 Wang Weixian9

《新著国语文法》的语言观和方法论 王维贤9

The principle of bidirectional selection of meaning in Chinese grammar Shao Jingmin17

论汉语语法的语义双向选择性原则 邵敬敏17

数量词在动宾组合中的作用 史有为25

The function of the numeral-classifier compound in verb-object constructions Shi Youwei25

语流中的名词句连用 吴继光39

Nominal sentences used consecutively in discourse Wu Jiguang39

表示处所的“在”字结构 周小兵47

The “在” construction which indicates location Zhou Xiaobing47

报道性标题求简中的成分删减与句式变换 尹世超55

Word omission and pattern changes in news report titles Yin Shichao55

试论语境对词语的制约 刘兰英63

Words and expressions in context Liu Lanying63

“文化”一词的演化 曲翰章71

The evolution of the word“文化” Qu Hanzhang71

A broad line dividing the south and north accents of Early Modern Chinese Li Xinkui75

近代汉语南北音之大界 李新魁75

Interrogative words have a yang ping (阳平) tone in Early Modem Chinese Ma Sizhou94

近代汉语表疑问词读阳平论 马思周94

The use of terms of address in 《世说新语》 Zhang Wanqi104

《世说新语》称谓问题 张万起104

Explanation of some difficult words and expressions in 《金瓶梅词话》 Lu Jiawen116

《金瓶梅词话》难解词语选释 卢甲文116

The serial verb construction in 《庄子》 Zhang Gengguang123

《庄子》中的连动结构——《庄子》语言分析之一 张耿光123

The transformation of sentence patterns in ancient Chinese Yuan Benliang129

古汉语句法转换问题——读《中国文法要略》的思考 袁本良129

The syntactic phenomenon of the same word representing both agent and patient in the Pre-Qin Chinese classics Sun Liping138

先秦典籍句法结构中“施受同辞”的分析 孙力平138

Different time periods when “亿” respectively means a hundred thousand and a hundred million Tang Yuming144

“亿”表“十万”和“万万”的时代层次 唐钰明144

A note on “骯髒” Wang Ying148

说“骯髒”——兼谈近出辞书立目释义的得失 王锳148

A study of 《篆隶万象名义》 Liu Shangci153

《篆隶万象名义》考辨 刘尚慈153

Dai Zhen s theory on sound correspondence and its influence Zhou Fugang161

戴震的转语理论及其影响——读戴震《转语二十章·序》 周复刚161

An explanation to “凤”“皇”and related characters Zeng Xiantong166

释“凤”“皇”及其相关诸字 曾宪通166

The word “又” in bronze inscriptions Zhao Cheng173

金文的“又” 赵诚173

The study of orthography in the Tang Dynasty Li Jianguo179

唐代的字样之学 李建国179

The main phonetic differences among the Hakka dialects in Guangxi Li Puying186

广西境内客家方言在语音上的主要差别 李谱英 遗作186

The differentiation of the Zhi (知)-family characters in the Sichuan dialects Zhai Shiyu194

“知”系字在四川方言里的分化 翟时雨194

The modal particles in the Guiyang dialects Xu fengyun199

贵阳方言的语气助词 徐凤云199

The inflection of verb and adjective in the Weining Miao language Wang Fushi Wang Deguang205

威宁苗语动词形容词的形态变化 王辅世 王德光205

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