《中华文史论丛 1979年第2辑 总第10辑》求取 ⇩

On Evaluating Historical Figures -A New Forum Luo Zhu-feng Rong Sheng Tian Chang-wu Guan Wen-fa Pen1

关于历史人物评价问题(新论坛) 罗竹风 戎笙 田昌五 关文发 彭大雍 孙祚民 冉光荣 高敏 李天佑 孙达人1

The Merging of the Two Mythological Traditions - Kunlun and Penglai - in Zhuang Zi and Chu Ci Gu Jie31

《庄子》和《楚辞》中昆仑和蓬莱两个神话系统的融合 顾颉刚31

宋代俗语“踏逐” 陈奇猷58

略论《山海经》的神话 袁珂59

A Brief Comment on the Myths in Book of Moun-tains and Seas Yuan Ke59

马王堆汉墓帛画的神话史意义 锺敬文75

Mythological Significance of the Silk-Paintings Found in Mawangdui Han-dynasty Tomb Zhong Jing-wen75

马王堆汉墓帛画日月神话起源考 周士琦99

On the Origin of the Sun-Moon Myth as Depicted in the Silk-Paintings Found in Mawangdui Han-dynasty99

毛笔始于战国说 张道贵103

陆游卒年小议 于北山104

Explanatory Notes on the Ritual Vessels Used in Travels Huang Sheng-Zhang105

释旅彝 黄盛璋105

丁卯斧辨伪 郭若愚121

Examination into the Authenticity of Ding-Mao AxeGuo Ruo-yu121

读《经法》 郭元兴125

After Reading Jing FaGuo Yuan-xing125

《李益年谱稿》补记 卞孝萱136

《指物论》诠释 王煦华137

Annotations on An Essay on Zhi Wu Wang Xu-hua137

《水经注》校本的研究 胡适遗稿145

A Study of Various Prints of Shui Jing Zhu(Annota-tions on Book of Rivers) the late Hu Shi145

Queries About Introduction to the New Annotations on Chu Ci Tan You - xue221

《<楚辞新注>导论》质疑 谭优学221

Introduction to the New Annotations on Chu CiⅡ Jiang Tian-shu233

《<楚辞新注>导论》二 蒋天枢233

《穆天子传》中一些部落的方位考实 赵俪生287

Ascertainment of the Location of Some Tribes as Mentioned in Biography of Mu Tianzi Zhao Li-sheng287

云烟过眼新录 黄裳301

陆游“老学?”命名年代 子文302

The Shaping and Evolution of the Grand Canal South of the Yangzi Wei Song-shan Wang Wen-chu303

江南运河的形成及其演变过程 魏嵩山 王文楚303

Questioning the Date of Writing of A Rhapsody on the Three Capital Cities by Zuo Si Fu Xuan-cong319

左思《三都赋》写作年代质疑 傅璇琮319

涵芬楼影印《文心雕龙》非嘉靖本 弢甫330

Ascertainmene of Facts in sadula s Life and career Zhang Xuguang331

萨都剌生平仕履考辨 张旭光331

On the Wujiang Coterie and the Dispute Between Tang Xian-zu and Shen Jing Shao Zeng-qi353

论吴江派和汤沈之争 邵曾祺353

《沈吟楼诗选》和《广阳诗集》 赵昌372

Annotations onGan - an Official Title Cheng Ying-liu373

释“幹” 程应?373

尚让叛降考 陆枫381

A Research on Shang Rang s Defection and Capitulation Lu Feng381

康南海推崇沈寐叟 郑逸梅390

宋江招安资料辨正 裴汝诚 许沛藻391

Verification of the Data About Song Jiang Accepting Amnesty and Enlistment Pei Ru-cheng Xu Pei-zao391

《石湖擢歌百首》手稿 郑逸梅400

定宗征拔都 杨志玖401

Emperor Ding Zong s Expedition Against Batu Khan Yang Zhi-jiu401

后书钞阁读书记 罗继祖410

The Chen Family in Haining the late Meng Sen411

海宁陈家 孟森遗稿411

马叙伦《石屋续渖》补正 钱剑夫442

关于太平玉玺上“八位万岁”的考释 董蔡时443

Commentary Notes on theEight Majesties as Inscribed on Taiping (Heavenly Kingdom)Imperial Jade Se443

释“王相” 祁龙威456

论康有为的“大同三世”说 汤志钧457

On Kang You-wei s Doctrine ofThree Stages of Universal Brotherhood Tang Zhi-jun457

《登鹳雀楼》诗为畅诸作 吴企明470

从《新修本草》看中日两国的学术交流 吴德铎471

Sino-Japanese Cultural Interflow Viewed in the Light of The New Revised Edition of Shen Nong Materia471

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