《民族音乐研究》求取 ⇩

目录序言:音乐学、民族音乐学、中国音乐学 刘靖之 1

概论循历史轨迹探音乐创作的民族潮流 毛宇宽 9

龙生九子 黄友棣 32

“风格”问题之探讨及其在民族音乐学领域内的含义(撮要) 曹本冶  37

中国乐器和器乐研究楚国的钟鼓之乐——从曾侯乙墓的钟鼓乐器谈到《编钟乐舞》(撮要) 刘靖之 41

古琴音乐中虚实手法的运用 叶明媚  46

中国筝乐的源流、风格与发展 项斯华 72

香港的筝乐发展 苏振波 85

二胡音乐初探 吴赣伯 92

中国地方音乐探讨南管源流初探 吕炳川 109

潮州音乐的种类及其历史性 陈蕾士 137

吟唱及说唱音乐宋词歌法初探 李明  145

庙街说唱表演调查简报 梁沛锦等 180

中国二十世纪音乐谈现代音乐创作之民族性问题 曾叶发 193

谭小麟生平研究 周凡夫 202

中国歌乐的回顾与展望 林声翕 234

我的歌词创作经验 韦瀚章 244

EssaysThe Music of Bells and Drums of Chu by Liu Ching-chih,translated by A.Tse251

论文及论文撮要之英译 Essays in English and English Transla-tions(Synopses)Preface:Musicology,Ethnomusicology,and Chinese Musicology(Synopsis)by Liu Ching-chih251

Style-Inquires:Methodology in the Study of Non-Western Music by Tsao Pen-yeh287

English Translations(Synopses)Nationalistic Trends of Musical Creativeness in Relationship to Historical Development by Mao Yu-kuan306

The Nine Sons of the Drangon by Huang Yau-ti306

The Application of Xu-Shi in Guqin Music by Ye Ming-mei307

The Origin,Style and Development of Zheng Music by Xiang Si-hua308

The Development of Zheng Music in Hong Kong by Su Zhen-bo308

A Preliminary Study of Nanguan by Lü Bing-chuan309

A Preliminary Study of Er-hu Music by Wu Gan-bo309

The Classification and Historical Significance of Chaozhou Music by Chen Lei-shi310

A Preliminary Study of Chanting of Sung Ci by Li Ming311

A Report on Narrative Singing at Temple Street in Kowloon by Liang Pei-jin311

Nationalism in Contemporary Music by Zeng Ye-fa312

The Life of Tan Xiaolin by Chou Fan-fu313

A Review of Chinese Vocal Music and Its Future Development by Lin Sheng-shih314

My Experience in Verse Writing by Wei Han-zhang314

1989《民族音乐研究》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由刘靖之主编 1989 商务印书馆(香港)有限公司 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。