《英语阅读文选 第2册》求取 ⇩


1.The Babysitter1

2.The SundayNewspaper5

3.Which States Have the Most People?9

4.Thanksgivirg P1ans12

5.Ecology on a College Campus15

6.Zip Codes and Area Codes19

7.If I Don't Do Anything Else22

8.An Evening in Harlem25

9.At the Airport28

10.Thank You for a Wonderful Weekend31

11.Educating TV Children33


13.Adults and Teenagers Together38

14.Talking about Two Cities42

15.At the Doctor's Office46

16.Clothes for New York in July50

17.A New Way to Fly54

18.A Letter of Introduction57

19.A Crossword Puzzle59

20.Who is Archie Bunker?62

21.An Interviewwith a Bigot65

22.Alaskan Contrasts69

23.Which One Was Dennis?73



26.A Love Song83

27.Ways to Lose Weight86

28.Folk Dancing in theUnited States90

29.At the Shopping Center93

30.What Causes Waves?96

31.On the Telephone99

32.Olga's Test101

33.A Family Constitution103

34.Women in the U.S.A106

35.New Neighbors110

36.A Busy Teenager113


37.Young Artists and Writers116

38.The Will,Part Ⅰ119

39.The Will,Part Ⅱ122

40.The Will,Part Ⅲ126

41.The Will,Part Ⅳ129

42.Amelia Earhart,Part Ⅰ132

43.Amelia Earhart,Part Ⅱ136

44.A Letter to a Newspaper139

45.Two Points of View142

46.The Theater Group145

47.The Offer,Part Ⅰ148

48.The Offer,PartⅡ153

49.The Offer,Part Ⅲ157

50.The Offer,Part Ⅳ162


Suggestions to the Teacher188

1988《英语阅读文选 第2册》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由(美)艾伦编著;李明章注释 1988 北京:科学技术文献出版社;重庆分社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


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