《科普英语快速阅读》求取 ⇩


Unit OneCan the Giant Panda Be Saved?2

Timed Reading:Chiense Giant Pandas Abroad8

Unit Two Reunited Twins Act Amazingly Alike13

Timed Reading :Identical Twins22

Unir Three Mysteries of Migration27

Timed Reading :The Migration36

Unit Four Biological Clok(1)44

Unit Five flight Recorder-Airborne Recor d Keeper58

Timed Reading :The Bermuda Triangle-A Mystery of the Ocean67

Unit Six Our Future in Space :It Has Already Begun172

Timed Rcading:Space Sick82

Unti Seven Space-Age Archeology88

Timed Reading:A tonic Clock maker Knew His Dates97

Unit Eight Fresh Water from the Sea102

Timed Reading:Why Is the Ocean Salty?110

Unit Nine Compurters in Cars113

Timed Reading:Mottorists'Electronic Guide Saves Time and Money121

Unit Ten Computers Balle Bugs128

Timed Reading:"The Kid Put us Out of Action"136

Unit Elveen Teacher in the Sky144

Timed Reading:Earth Resources Technology Satellite(ERTS)153

Unit Twelve Queen Introduction and Queen Accptance157

Timed Reading:Bees Bring a Breath of Fresh Air into Hives164

Unit Thirteen Giraffes170

Timed Reading:Beavers179

Unit Tourteen Can Scientists Predict Killer Earthquakes?184

Timed Reading:How Do Animals Know When an Earthquake Is Coming?193

Unit Filteen Elephant Man:A Life in the Shadows197

Timed Reading:An Elephant Man205

Unit Sixteen Robots210

Timed Reading:Robot Sentries219

Unit Severteen Ttying to Fool the Infertile224

Timed Reading:Test-tube Babies233

Unit Eighteen Science Education for a New AGE238

Timed Reading:Learnig Science249

Unit Ninetteen Gorilla IsNot as Mean as it Looks254

Timed Reading:Can Apes Really Learn To "Talk"265

Unit Twenty CAUTION :Animals on the Move270

Timed Reading:The Shark:Splendid Savage of the Sea281

Unit Twenty-One Frederick Sanger -Two -Time- Winner285

Timed Reading:Samuel F.B.Morse293

Unit Twenty-Two Suntire:Solar Collector Built By Kids300

Timed Reading:Patrick Platt Makes Heater From Old Cans309

Unit Twenty-Three Black Holes314

Timed Reading:The"Beast"inthe Center of Galaxy323

Unit Twenty-FourSpace Shuttle Is Ready for BIG BLAST328

Timed Reading:Contest Winner Visits Launch Site337

Unit Twenty-FiveSylvia Earle-Diving Scienlist345

Timed Reading:Deep- sea diving Diving Lurk355

Unit Twenty-Six Pompell361

Timed Reading:A Volcano Wakes370

Unit Twenty -Seven The Time Is Now378

Timed Reading:The Invisible World of Industrial Gas386

Unit Twenty-Eight A CID RAIN:What's the Solution?391

Timed Reading:Is Acid Rain Washing Away Our Heritage?403

Unit Twenty=NineSociet March to Mars Startles the Weart411

Timed Reading:The Space Race421

Unit Thirty AIDS:The Nation's Worst Pu lic -HealtbProblem427

Timed Reading:A New Technioque in Fighting AIDS437

Answee Keys441

1994《科普英语快速阅读》由于是年代较久的资料都绝版了,几乎不可能购买到实物。如果大家为了学习确实需要,可向博主求助其电子版PDF文件(由汪士彬主编 1994 天津:南开大学出版社 出版的版本) 。对合法合规的求助,我会当即受理并将下载地址发送给你。


英语快速阅读(1997 PDF版)
1997 天津市:南开大学出版社
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